Sleep Tight Baby "V" (just saying good-night, this is a GOOD report!)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here I am! I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting. My friend Courtney sent me this song ("Holy", playing) today, it has touched me and has definitely given me goosebumps. Anyway, thanks Court! I luv u~

Our little V came out of surgery about 230pm. We've been talking to the surgeon, sitting with Veiyah, grabbed some dinner and I crashed hard for a couple of hours. So, here's what happened:

So yesterday I told you that they didn't have to undo the Glenn. Well, when we went to bed last night, she was satting in the 80's. We woke up at 4:30am to a call from a Dr in the PICU telling us that she was spiraling. ...Whatever that means. Nothing looked good. So they were going to do an ultrasound of her brain to see if that was what was causing her numbers to jump all over the place. Her brain ultrasound came back great. They said her numbers were a little better and they'd call us back if it got worse. 8am rolled around TOO quickly and the phone rings again.

Dr. Davis is deciding that we can't take any more chances and that the Glenn just wasn't going to work. Because of her pre-maturity, her lungs were never fully developed and the pressure was too high which restricted the blood from flowing from the upper part of the body into her lungs. With the shunt, is that it's not necessarily for the blood to flow by gravity (as what the glenn would do), that it is actually being pumped from her heart.

I grabbed everything and ran upstairs to sign consent. I put my hands on Veiyah and prayed. I said her name aloud as I do every time. Veiyah Jaielle. God's Power. God's Power is all over you Veiyah, he's inside of you, and He’s in your NAME!

I kissed her once again. Her chest was still open so I was a little sick to my stomach, but I didn't care, I kissed her for a long time. I think Jesus has given me the gift of smelling past all the tubes and tape this time around. Every time I smell her, she smells like baby girl. That blesses me so much. So I always get a good sniff in before she goes.

I called my family and of course my parents were up within the hour but sat in the waiting room and let us sleep downstairs. They never give up. They will be here at the drop of a hat each and every time. We are indebted to my parents forever. I don't care how tired they ever are, they've been here each time. The first night that Veiyah was being handed to me to die in my arms, my parents were driving an hour (from their house) to show up to see our first miracle happen. They were quite delusional that night, but now my Dad says he tends to just push the Veiyah button when he gets the call now, and he's in the mode to do whatever it takes.

When I said earlier that I was done, I hope it didn't come across as that I was done with hoping, praying, fighting. I was done with exhaustion. Period. I'm sure you'll understand that.

Veiyah came back even pinker than yesterday and was satting in the 80's once again. They are okay with her in the 70's and 80's now. They just want to get her through this. Her labs continue to come back better and better. One of them, potassium, has been dipping though, so they are on top of that.

So, V (I call her that now because of all of you!...I never would have till you all started calling her that, thank u for that.) now has 2 shunts in. I really need Jeremy at these times to talk while I type. I'm sure you can tell when I call him and type his words for this blog. ;) If you can't, then go me! :)

We really are spent. Right now our knees are so dirty that they hurt. There are rocks stuck in the skin, they bleed, they are scarred. I'll proudly carry these scars, though. Funny thing, I still have scars on my knees from falling off my bike so many times as a kid. I remember having to prick the rocks out with tweezers...(ouch!) Well, as much as it hurt, I always got back on my bike. As much as this hurts, I'll always pick myself up in the morning and be ready to face another day and fight another battle for my daughter.

Hoping you all like the new name for the Blog. I thought it was pretty simple and not too crazy. Now I'm trying to figure out what to call you...we'll get there. Some are still asking for Veiyah's address. Remember that it's on the right hand side bar in pink, up top! :)

Let's pray for a blessed, restful night. You all make my families lives so much more livable. You amaze us beyond words. We could never thank you enough...but we do. Thank you.

Now that I call my Veiyah, V....I find it very appropriate by the way; but Jer got all defensive and said, "so your readers can call her V but I can't call her VJ? VJ being for her first and middle initials.

Not to offend anyone, but if you ever watch Oprah, VJ will not be used. PERIOD.

And no, I don't watch Oprah...I have to stay faithful to Judge Judy ya know! ;)

Here are some pics from today, and then I'm off for a bit to read "Goodnight Moon" to "V".


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