Poll Results (Feb. 9th-15th) Do you use cracked apps?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Last weeks poll asked the question “Do you use cracked apps?”. In the last few days cracked apps has made a pretty big impact on the Apple community. I am speaking of my previous post about Apple announcing that jailbreaking is illegal. As i mentioned in it, i don’t think Apples cares so much about people jailbreaing but about the people getting cracked apps. But really look at the numbers of last weeks poll. 226 people said they do not use cracked apps and 299 said they don’t know how. Which totals up to 525 people that do not know how to use them. Along with 1200 people that said they do use them. Now think about this. Of the people that own an iPhone only a fraction of the people jailbreak. And then only a percentage of them use cracked apps. Now lets think Apple. You now have announce that jailbreaking is illegal because of the usage of cracked apps. Uhm, people are breaking the law already by using cracked apps, do you think jailbreaking being illegal is going to stop them? no. Use your brain. Now lets get on with this weeks poll: How many pages of apps do you have?. Vote to the left.


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