gone with the wind Gone With the Wind What a Classic! clark gable, vivian leigh, gone with the wind cast, vivien leigh, rhett butler

Saturday, February 21, 2009

gone with the wind I am watching Gone With the Wind today. This is an old movie, but it is a doozy. I have always loved this movie. I hope it goes down in the annals of time. I love Clark Gable what a glorious looking man. Vivien Leigh is one of the most beautiful women who ever made movies. Movies now do not compare with movies back then. The actors were better, the movies were better, and the glamour was better. Then throw in a John Wayne movie every now, and then and you have perfection!
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howard hughes Survey of Metabolites Finds New Prostate Cancer Marker and katherine hepburn, howard hughes biography, katharine hepburn, spruce goose,

howard hughes

Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have identified a new biological marker present in the urine of patients with prostate cancer that indicates whether the cancer is progressing and spreading.

In experiments reported in the February 12, 2009, issue of the journal Nature, the scientists identified 10 metabolites that become more abundant in prostate cells as cancer progresses. Their studies showed that one of these chemicals, sarcosine, helps prostate cancer cells invade surrounding tissue.

“This really told us that sarcosine is involved biologically in some of the processes of a cancer cell.”
Arul M. Chinnaiyan

HHMI investigator Arul Chinnaiyan and colleagues at the University of Michigan showed that as prostate cancer develops and progresses, sarcosine levels increase in both tumor cells and urine samples, suggesting that measurements of the metabolite could aid in non-invasively diagnosing the disease. Researchers might also be able to inhibit prostate cancer’s spread by designing drugs that manipulate the sarcosine pathway.

The study is the first to analyze the levels of more than 1,000 different metabolites in human tumors. Scientists know that cells undergo complex changes as cancer develops and progresses to metastatic disease. Chinnaiyan’s lab, which has extensively analyzed how genes and proteins in prostate cancer cells reflect these changes, thought that profiling cells’ metabolites would offer an even more “holistic picture of the molecular alterations that occur,” he said.

“This allows us to have more of a systems perspective of cancer development,” he noted. “We are also looking at gene and protein markers, for therapeutic consideration, biomarker consideration, and just understanding the biology. We are not sure yet how it’s going to sort out, so we’re being non-discriminatory with what types of technologies we use.”

In the experiments reported in Nature, the scientists used mass spectrometry, a technique that identifies chemicals based on the size and electrical charge of their components, to compare the levels of 1,126 metabolites in healthy prostate tissue, clinically localized prostate cancer, and metastatic prostate cancer. Sixty metabolites were present in tumor cells, but not in benign tissue. Of these, there were about 10 molecules whose levels increased dramatically during cancer progression. “This is proof-of-principle that we can identify metabolites, or panels of metabolites, that might be correlated with aggressive prostate cancer versus slower-growing prostate cancer,” Chinnaiyan said.

Having demonstrated that “metabolomic” profiles change in predictable ways as cancer progresses, the group began more focused analyses. “We began to mine the data to look for metabolites that might serve as biomarkers or as therapeutic targets,” Chinnaiyan explained. They chose to focus on sarcosine because it was elevated in clinically localized disease and very highly elevated in metastatic cancer.

They confirmed these dramatic increases in a new set of tissue samples, and also found that there was more sarcosine in the urine of patients with prostate cancer than in healthy individuals.

The team went on to test how sarcosine affected the behavior of cancer cells grown in the laboratory. Adding the chemical to prostate cells or manipulating cells’ biochemical pathways so they produced more sarcosine on their own caused benign prostate cells to become cancerous and invasive. Conversely, shutting down sarcosine production in cancer cells blocked invasion.

“This really told us that sarcosine is involved biologically in some of the processes of a cancer cell,” Chinnaiyan said. The results suggest that drugs that alter sarcosine metabolism might be useful in treating prostate cancer, but Chinnaiyan cautions that these Petri-dish findings still need further validation in animal models.

An important next step, he says, will be to do similar experiments on the other nine potential biomarkers they identified in this study. For reliable diagnosis of aggressive disease, he said, “we need to have panels, not just rely on a single metabolite.”

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Boy Killed Anally When Office Chair Explodes

Well, stories don't get much worse than this. A 14-year-old boy in China was killed when his chair exploded, sending chunks of metal into his rectum. The bleeding this caused killed him.

The alleged explosion came from the gas cylinder that was in the base of the chair, the part that allowed the user to adjust the seat up and down. The canister gets compressed when you sit on it, but can it actually create enough energy to make the seat cushion explode like that and kill a man? I doubt it, but this is what people are reporting.

In other news, I am working from a beanbag from now on. Sweet merciful crap. Boy Killed Anally When Office Chair Explodes


Pay-hike bonanza for Tripura government employees

he Tripura government Saturday announced 30-35 percent hike in salaries of its 138,300 employees, with retrospective effect from last month.
“After the sixth central pay commission, Tripura is the first among the eight northeastern states that announced new salaries and allowances for its employees, making 30 to 35 percent salary hike with effect from January,” state Finance Minister Badal Chowdhury told reporters after a cabinet meeting.

Nearly 40,000 pensioners will also benefit from the new pay scale, he said.

An unmarried and non-earning daughter as well as the widow of a government employee would get family pension, the minister added.

The pay review committee, set up in August last year to revise the salaries and allowances of the government employees and pensioners, had recommended a salary hike last month.

“The committee, while recommending higher pay and allowances of the state government employees, has followed the guiding principles of the Sixth Central Pay Commission recommendations,” Chowdhury said.

After the implementation of the new pay scales, the minimum salary at the entry level of a group D employee would be Rs.5,730 and maximum would be Rs.50,400.

The government has also announced that it will provide retirement benefit after completion of 25 years of service (qualifying years) instead of existing 33 years.

According to the minister, an additional expenditure of Rs.9 billion (Rs.900 crore) would be incurred annually from the state exchequer to provide higher salaries and allowances to the employees and pension holders.

In the new package of pay scales, medical, house rent allowances and non-practicing allowances for doctors and ration and kit allowance for police personnel have been raised.

“To meet the additional financial burden, the government would intensify the austerity drive and borrow loan from the market besides to take other measures,” Chowdhury said.

new Mantra of Success

Mantra of Success

Ever wondered why success is proving so elusive to you whereas it comes naturally to others. Though you are equally talented and deserve to be successful. Why does it elude you in spite of all your sincere efforts? May be you tend to perceive success as a holistic term instead of taking it in fragmented ones. Don’t measure your success by counting prestige symbols and imitating other people, but by living the aspects of the success mechanism. -
Success is:

S: sense of direction. You must have a realistic goal. An aim within your capabilities. Don’t be deviated in your journey towards your worthwhile goal. Resist all temptations

U: Understanding. You must understand your needs and the needs of other. Know all your requirements. You must pursue only what you understand. It is better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.

C: Courage. You must have courage to take on new challenges. It’s worth to take some well-calculated risks. If you make a mistake and fail, try again. Try, try and try. The test of courage is not to die but to live. Remember, Nothing ventured nothing gained.

C: Compassion. You must have compassion for yourself as well as for others. Fall in love with your self and you will feel the difference. Remember, compassion is the basis of all morality.

E: Esteem. The stories of all successful personalities state that they have a high level of self- esteem and respect for others too. Keep your self – image clean and bright, it is the window through which you see the world.

S: Self- acceptance. You must accept what you are. Accept your demerits with the same gusto as you do accept merits. Never try to be some one else, never try to imitate the styles of those you admire. You will never fit into their shoes. Each individual has his unique style and he must accept and cherish it.

S: Self – confidence. You must believe in yourself and in your capabilities. Draw confidence from your past success for you present under taking. Don’t brood over past failures. Past has gone and gone forever.


National Institute of Fashion Technology requires 256 posts in various disciplines | NIFT RECRUITMET 2009 PROJET

National Institute of Fashion Technology requires 256 posts in various disciplines | NIFT RECRUITMET 2009 PROJET

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has 256 vacancies in various disciplines for its Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Bhopal, Kannur, Shillong, Patna, Mauritius, Rae Bareli, Kangra (to be opened in 2009), institutes.

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For more information and to dwnload application form go to: www.nift.ac.in/positions.html


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national informatics centre Uttar Pradesh Board for Secondary Education
National Informatics Centre (NIC)
The Uttar Pradesh Board for Secondary Education has introduced online Admit Cards for more than 50 lakh candidates who are likely to appear in the High School and the Intermediate Examinations beginning next month. The online admit cards would become available on the board's website http://upmsp.nic.in/ from February 24. Click here to verify the status of your application and get admit card.
Verifying your Application Status
Online Admit Card
NIC Recruitments
About NIC : National Informatics Centre (NIC) is a premier Science and Technology Organisation under the Department of Information Technology of the Government of India actively working for the past three decades in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Applications in the Government Sector.
Labels: National Informatics Centre, NIC, NIC Admit Card
nic, national informatics center, nic question paper, nic admit card, nic exam

breaking and entering ACORN Crime--> Breaking and Entering and the perfect storm, naranja mecanica, clockwork orange, jaws movie, la naranja mecanica

breaking and entering Not satisfied with voter fraud and attempting to fix elections, President Obama's favorite community activist group has added another crime to their portfolio, breaking and entering. Now that the group's former lawyer, Barack Obama has announced his poorly received home mortgage plan, they have decided to come up with their own. The ACORN plan involves breaking into foreclosed houses and giving them back to their original owners (even if the home is now owned by someone else).

Just another example of how ACORN does not believe in following the law, just as during the election its their belief that their exclusive right is to take what they want...votes, foreclosed houses..anything. Maybe Congress will award them with another $3 Billion Dollars.

Acorn Breaks into Home
by: Terry Owens
Some community activists could face criminal charges after breaking into a home in Southeast Baltimore.

Police were at the home Thursday night looking for fingerprints and other evidence.

The activists who staged the break-in belong to the Association of Community Organizations For Reform Now or ACORN.

After snapping a lock with bolt cutters, ACORN member Louis Beverly told supporters "this is our house now."

ACORN staged the demonstration to protest the foreclosure crisis sweeping the nation.

The home in the 300 block of Ellwood Avenue used to be owned by Donna Hanks. She lost this home in September, after owning it since 2001. When things got tough she struggled to make her payments. Her mortgage? $1995 a month. Her income? $2200. Donna's story is one that ACORN is taking a stand against.

"We feel that it was unjust, we feel as though she was strong armed robbed, we feel that Wells Fargo could have modified her loan and that is what we are asking for right now," says Beverly.

Acorn chapters across the country are staging similar scenes to drive their point home. They want state governments to enact moratoriums on foreclosures until this crisis can be worked out.

ACORN says that they will move Donna Hanks back in despite the fact that she no longer owns the house. During the taping of this story a man by the name of William Lane told ABC2 News that he owns the house currently--and plans to sue Acorn.

the perfect storm, naranja mecanica, clockwork orange, jaws movie, la naranja mecanica

lord shiva Shivratri: Festival of Lord Shiva and mahashivratri, mahashivaratri, shivaratri, maha shivaratri, shivratri

lord shiva Shivratri is an auspicious festival in Hindu mythology, which generally falls in the moth of February or March, according to English calender. The festival is celebrated with great fervour across North India and other parts of the country as well.
CJ: Hikaru and Jaanvi , 2 days ago Views:253 Comments:0
AUSPICIOUS FESTIVAL of Mahashivaratri falls on the 13th or the 14th night of the new moon during Krishna Paksha in the Hindu month of Phalgun. The Sanskrit term, Krishna Paksha means the period of waning moon or the dark fortnight and Phalguna corresponds to the month of February - March in English Calendar. Shivaratri Festival is celebrated on a moonless night.

According to Hindu mythology, Shivaratri or ’Shiva’s Great Night’ symbolises the wedding day of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Many however, believe, Shivaratri is the night when Lord Shiva performed the Tandava Nritya - the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction.
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Celebrating the festival in a customary manner, devotees give a ritual bath to the Lingam with the panchagavya - milk, sour milk, urine, butter and dung. Celebrations of Shivaratri Festival mainly take place at night. Devotees of Lord Shiva throng Shiva temples across the country and spend ‘the Night of Lord Shiva’ by chanting verses and hymns in praise of the Lord.

The festival holds special meaning for the ladies. They pray to Goddess Parvati also called ’Gaura’, the giver of ’suhag’ for good husbands, marital bliss and a long and prosperous married life.
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.NET Framework 3.5 Namespace Poster

.NET Framework 3.5 Namespace Poster

A couple of nights ago, I presented on web development fundamentals at the CMAP .NET Essentials SIG. One of the things we talked about was the fact that the .NET Framework is pretty large, so a challenge for new devs is figuring out where everything they’re interested in lives within the framework.

One tool that might be useful for this is the namespace posters that Microsoft publishes for the various versions of the framework. Via Brad Abrams, here’s one for .NET Framework 3.5:

A while back I blogged about the .NET Framework 3.5 Namespace poster... We made a few tweaks and updated it, including making it available in more formats.


Download Links:

Full XPS
Split XPS
Tiled PDF

Also, in case folks are looking for the deck/code from my presentation, you can find them here.

Filed under: Downloads

.net DEvHammer : .NET Framework 3.5 Namespace Poster

ltte website LTTE’s Black Air Tigers behind Colombo aerial strike tamilnet, ltte, tamil net.com, tamil net, ltte news

ltte website Colombo, Feb 21 (ANI): The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE), on Saturday claimed responsibility of Friday night’s aerial strikes on a main revenue department building near the Sri Lankan Air Force Headquarters in Colombo.

In a statement released on its website, the LTTE said the strikes were suicide attacks carried out by its ‘Black Air Tiger’ squad.

They also released photographs of the two Black Air Tigers, Col. Roopan and Lt. Col. Siriththiran with LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran before embarking on their mission.

The attack claimed the lives of two persons and injured 54.

‘The aircrafts dived into Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) Headquarters in Colombo and into the SLAF base at Katunayaka at around 0915pm(local time) last night carrying out successful air raids,’ a pro-LTTE website reported.

However, Government defense spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella has claimed that both LTTE aircrafts were chased and destroyed shortly after the bombings.

A Defense ministry statement on Friday had said the second aircraft was disabled by the anti air gunfire reportedly and crashed on the Inland Revenue building.

The military has recovered the remains of the aircraft and a body of the LTTE pilot from Katunayake area.

It has informed that the pilot, whose body was found intact, had a large quantity of explosives and bombs inside the aircraft. (ANI)
tamilnet, ltte, tamil net.com, tamil net, ltte news

Sony expects double-digit growth, offers new ‘lifestyle’ pocket PC

SONY Philippines Inc. has high hopes it will ride the current economic storm unscathed.

Toshiya Kagita, Sony Philippines president and managing director, still expects double-digit growth in sales this year for the entire Japanese electronics maker’s product line.

The company offers a wide range of products here in the Philippines, from the popular TVs to projectors, home video, audio and theater systems, digital cameras, camcorders, computers and peripherals, in-car entertainment equipment, storage and recording media, as well as accessories like batteries and chargers. Sony does not operate a manufacturing facility in the country.

Erica Dela Cruz, marketing communications supervisor, said although the company has yet to finalize the December sales, she said they were quite surprised that the takeup of the Sony Bravia television sets and even the Walkman MP3 players were high.

Displaying the company’s confidence in the Philippine market, it will launch in February its “pocket-style PC (personal computer), the Sony Vaio P series, just one month after it debuted at the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

“With the Vaio P, we at Sony propose a new lifestyle of taking the PC outdoors; with that, fun and enjoyable PC experience can be brought to the consumers,” said Zhorida Lipayon, marketing officer for Vaio at Sony Philippines.

Dela Cruz said their office has been receiving inquiries from interested buyers who have read or seen about the new pocket PC launched in the US.

Lipayon said in contrast to the netbooks made by other electronics manufacturers, the Vaio P will be marketed as a “pocket-style PC,” but are more geared for the female buyers—considering that it comes in four glossy colors and coordinating carrying case, carrying pouch and wireless laser mouse.

Weighing only 594 grams (or 620 grams with hard disk drive), the Vaio P is actually small enough to slip into a pocket or handbag. In spite of its small dimensions (245x98x120 millimeters), the new Sony PC offers full notebook-level specs: the 8-inch, ultrawide LED-backlit display with 1600x768 resolution (covering much more area than the 1024x600 displays of typical netbooks); a 60-gigabyte (GB) rotating hard drive; an Intel Atom processor Z530 (Z520 for the P13 model); Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity; built-in web cam; noise-canceling in-built technology, to name a few. It supposedly boots up much faster than the typical netbooks currently on sale.

The VGN-P15 model will retail for P69,999 and the VGN-P13 variant will sell for P49,999.

Lipayon said official launch date for the Vaio P is set on February 25 but their office is now entertaining preorders

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sony vaio pocket pc Sony announces the launch of its new Vaio P netbook in India.

At just 19.8mm thick and weighing 594g, the Sony VAIO P features the instant-on, ultra-bright 20.3cms LED-backlit screen delivering a resolution of 1600×768 pixels. It also sports Sony’s Xross media bar for one-button quick-boot option that offers fast access to the web, email, photos and more.

For easy access to various applications and documents, the Vaio P comes with a special window arrangement utility that boasts to organize all items with one simple touch, presenting all of them side-by-side on a single screen.

The pocket-styled PC also shows off its elegant keyboard with ingeniously-spaced keys for outstanding comfort while typing.

Other than that, the VAIO P comes equipped with a built-in MOTION EYE webcam, microphone, noise-cancelling headphones (only VGN-P15G) and a three hour battery life.

Available in Garnet red, Olivine Green, Obsidian Black and Crystal white colors, the VAIO P series carries a price tag of Rs. 49,990 (VGN-P13G) and Rs. 64,990 (VGN-P15G).

The Sony Vaio P range will be available across India through Sony owned store, select Sony authorized dealers and national retail partners.
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snea SNEA prez: Collective bargaining talks inching along

snea In a recent phone conversation, Ray Smith, president of Springfield's National Education Association, likened recent talks for collective bargaining rights for Springfield teachers to a “Seinfeld” episode — nothing really happens.

Smith has met twice with superintendent Norm Ridder and Glenda Thurlkill, president of the local Missouri State Teachers Association, since the school board voted to move toward an election for teacher representation.

Attorneys and other representatives of the two teachers groups were also present at the meetings, Smith said.

The bulk of the first two meetings were spent trying to establish the bargaining unit.

SNEA would like to include nurses and parent educators; MSTA and the district are opposed to that, he said.

There has been no further decision of when the election will take place or what will be on the ballot, Smith said.

SNEA wants an election for single representation between SNEA and MSTA.

MSTA and the district officials have previously said they favor a ballot that would include a hybrid SNEA/MSTA option.

“It’s like they’re stalling because they think the legislature is going to take care of it,” Smith said. “But that’s not going to happen.”

The three sides will meet again on Tuesday.

taare zameen par Diffrent Directors Taare Zameen Par

taare zameen par If Karan Johar made Taare

Obvious starcast:
Shah Rukh Khan as the arts teacher (duh duh duh!!).
Aryan Khan as the dyslexic child (even if he could not act for nuts).
Rani Mukerjee as the kid's mom (assuming Kajol is unavailable) .
Abhishek Bachchan as the kid's dad.
Amitabh Bachchan as the school principal (who cares if the role is ultra minute, he can afford it).
It would be shot in New York to appeal to the NRI audience.
The story line would obviously be different. SRK would fall for the dyslexic kid's mom. The last scene would have the mom running to the teacher rather than the kid. And again, like in so many other movies, SRK would get someone else's girl.
It would have one dance number.
The film would be titled ' Kuch Taare Zameen Par .'

If Sanjay Leela Bhansali made Taare

Obvious starcast:
Salman as the teacher.
Rani as the mother.
Of course the whole film would be shot on elaborate sets. The school would be nothing short of Harvard university.
An orchestra would play every time anyone cried.
Slow motion, different camera angles for every scene.
The school uniforms would match the classroom walls even though that does not make a f***ing difference.
The film would cost 60 crores.

If Farah Khan made Taare

Obvious starcast:
SRK as the teacher (yawn).
In the original Taare, Aamir makes an entry at the interval point. In Farah's version, SRK would be on screen on for 2.30 hrs out of the 2.45 hrs and would be introduced in the first scene itself.
The story would be changed to make sure the above happened. The focus of the film would be a teacher who helps a kid fight dyslexia.
To make it a complete entertainer, there would be a romantic angle, comedy, and action thrown in. Oh idea!! Nikumbh's character likes another teacher and the kiddo helps him.. throw in some comedy moments there and you have romance and comedy settled. For action.. hmm.. lemme see.. oh yah, the kid gets kidnapped and the teacher fights the baddies to save him. Wow!! I'm quite an imaginative writer. I can see how Farah can write a film from scratch in two weeks straight.
The film posters would have a big SRK with the tiny image of the kid in the background.

If Rakesh Roshan made Taare

Obvious starcast:
Hrithik Roshan as the teacher.
Since Rakesh Roshan cannot think beyond science fiction these days, this film would have that too. Instead of dyslexia, the kid would have alienositis or something, a condition induced due to him witnessing an alien abduction.
Instead of Nikumbh being an arts teacher, he would be a physics teacher, and instead of asking kids to be creative, he would ask them to challenge the science we know.
In the scene where Nikumbh asks the kids to open their minds and make whatever they want outdoors, the kid Ishaan, instead of making a boat, would end up making a working spaceship prototype.
Nikumbh would cure the kids problem by making a full fledged version of the kid's prototype, traveling to the alien planet, and asking them to give the kid his powers back.
The film would have mus ic by Rajesh Roshan ripped off from some world music.
The film's name would again start with a K.. probably ' Kuch Aliens Taaron se Zameen Par' .
The director would make sure Hrithik gets to show all his abilities. This would mean a scene with Roshan jr flexing his muscles, and a dance competition in the end, instead of an arts competition.

If Priyadarshan made Taare:

Obvious starcast:
Akshay Kumar as the teacher.
Paresh Rawal as the kid's dad.
It would be a brainless comedy. The kid's dyslexia would be made fun of. Half the times the parents will be running after the kid from one room to the other and that, in the director's opinion, would be funny.
The film will be full of sex jokes. So for example, when Akshay would come to the parents telling them that their son has dyslexia, the ignorant father would say something inappropriate like 'iss umar mein? par kaise, woh to hamesha boys school mein padha hai!'. And yes, the director would think it is funny.
In the climax of the film all the characters in the film would run around in the amphitheater for no reason, spilling colors on each other. That's where the film will end, without any logical conclusion.
And of course, Paresh Rawal would emote like an epileptic himself making us question the boy's mental abilities anyway.

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mumbai university engineering results Anna university January results 2009

January 2009 anna university results

Anna University Results 2009
The Results of Anna University affiliated Colleges will be announced shortly. Anna University B.E. B.Tech. Results for Jan-Feb 2009, these will be for all the Degree courses for different streams in Engineering.
Recommended Link for Latest News www.i69.in
Results for Online Entrance ExaB.E / B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System - Jan 2009
Enter your Roll No.

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anna univ Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam

anna univ Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam
Anna University
Controller of Examinations

Affiliated Colleges Univ - Exam Results for UG / PG - JAN 2009 declared. Students can access their result online on the following links:

B.E/B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System Jan 2009
http://result.annauniv.edu/result/result09.html [link]

UG (Other Semester)/B.Arch./PG
Result for B.E. / B.Tech.(Other Semester)/ B.Arch./M.B.A/M.C.A/M.Sc. - Jan 2009
http://result1.annauniv.edu/result2009/re08.html [link]

tags: Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam
Anna University Results 2009, Anna Univ Exam Result
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solomon island EDIS: King Tide Storm Surge - Walande Island - Solomon island

solomon island National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications
Emergency and Disaster Information Services (EDIS)
Budapest Hungary

17/02/2009 - 04:15
King tides that hit parts of Malaita recently sent villagers on the artificial island of Walande packing. Sixteen homes, including a big church building, were reportedly destroyed and the whole village was evacuated to the mainland on Small Malaita. Now victims are calling for urgent relief assistance. Spokesman for Walande villagers Joseph Wane said the victims on their island need immediate help. “They are now in need of urgent shelter,” Mr Wane told the Solomon Star. The term king tide has no scientific definition although in popular usage it refers to any high tide well above average height. The popular concept is that the king tides are the higher high waters which occur around January. Mr Wane said on Walande, the king tides started on Saturday 7 to Tuesday 10 February, destroying 16 houses. He said sea rise with high waves broke the village’s sea wall washing through the village, destroying houses including a church building. Mr Wane added Walande is an artificial island and is exposed to ocean and vulnerable to high swells. He said sea level rise has been experienced in the past years, which forced half of the population from the island to move to the main land in the past years. Those who remained were now being hit by the recent king tides. “This latest tragedy has forced the whole village of more than 40 households to move to the mainland. The island is no longer safe to live on." “At the moment most of the villagers are living in makeshift tents on the mainland while some stay with relatives.” Mr Wane calls on the Malaita Disaster Office to send an assessment team to the area as soon as possible. He also appealed to the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and the public to assist the victims especially with building materials. “Food gardens are okay because they are on the main land, the immediate need is shelter,” Mr Wane said. Meanwhile, Malaita Provincial Disaster Officer Coordinator Pearson Simi said an assessment team would be sent to Walande today. He said his office received reports of only nine houses being destroyed. However, he said that would be confirm when the assessment team reaches Walande. Mr Simi added relief supply would also be sent with the assessment team. He said those affected were people that choose to remain on the island when tsunami like waves hit the area in 2004. “Half of the village have moved to the main land after the giant waves in 2004,” he said. Mr Simi also called on other villages on low land to take precaution if they see high seas or big waves. He said it is advisable to move to higher grounds during such events.)
solomon islands

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www.chennaieducation.net - B.E. Results, Anna Univ Nov-Dec 2008 Exam results
Chennai Education
website: www.chennaieducation.net

Anna University Examination Results
Affiliated Colleges
November / December 2008 UG / PG Results

http://chennaieducation.net/results/annauniv/ Students can
access the Affiliated Colleges Results for BE/B.Tech./B.Arch./ME/M.Tech./MBA/MCA/M.Sc/B.Sc/Part
Time B.E Examinations Nov/Dec. 2008 Results by entering their registration no. on the above link.
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www.annauniv.edu Anna University Results,B.E / B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System - Jan 2009,annauniv examination result, Exam Results for UG / P

www.annauniv.edu Anna University Results

Result for B.E / B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System - Jan 2009

Anna University Results
B.E / B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System - Jan 2009
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Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam

Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam
Anna University
Controller of Examinations

Affiliated Colleges Univ - Exam Results for UG / PG - JAN 2009 declared. Students can access their result online on the following links:

B.E/B.Tech. I - Sem Results - Credit System Jan 2009
http://result.annauniv.edu/result/result09.html [link]

UG (Other Semester)/B.Arch./PG
Result for B.E. / B.Tech.(Other Semester)/ B.Arch./M.B.A/M.C.A/M.Sc. - Jan 2009
http://result1.annauniv.edu/result2009/re08.html [link]

tags: Anna University Results Jan 2009 - Affiliated Colleges UG/PG Exam
Anna University Results 2009, Anna Univ Exam Result
Tagged: anna university results, annauniv result, jan 2009 exam
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Winter X Games 2009 Schedules Times and Volunteer Lodging

Winter X Games 2009 Schedules Times and Volunteer Lodging Winter X Games 2009 : Volunteer Lodging , Tickets Online and Schedule

Winter X Games 2009 Volunteer List:

The Winter X Games, the premier winter action sports event in the world, will be held January 22-25, 2009 from Aspen,Snowmass, Colorado. The annual event features athletes from across the globe competing for medals and prize money in the following sports, Skiing, Snowboard and Snowmobile. January 20-21 will serve as practice and elimination days. All Winter X Games competitions will take place at the resort's Buttermilk Mountain. Winter X Games 13 will air live on ESPN and ABC and will feature nighttime events. The event will remain at Aspen,Snowmass through 2010, for a total of nine consecutive years 2002-2010.
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Lodging for the ASPEN WINTER X GAMES books up quick here at Aspen Snowmass Resort in Aspen Colorado . There is usually nothing left 4 to 6 months out. We get multiple last minute requests for lodging accommodations that we just can't fulfill as the availability just isn't there We create custom packages for your X GAMES lodging vacation needs you just need to book as early as possible.clients by getting you to book your reservations as soon as possible. If your considering visitng the X games in Aspen Colorado in 2009, it won't hurt to start looking for and booking your accommodations. Working with our professional travel agents and getting things reserved as soon as possible is the best way to secure your vacation rentals and reservations.

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ESPN's Winter X Games is the premier action winter sports event in the world and showcases more than 250 of the world’s top athletes including 28 Olympians who competed in last year’s Winter X Games.Sponsors for the event include: Dickies Girl, SoBe Life Water,and Zsweet.Tickets for show are on sale now and they're going fast! So,don't miss out.
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iii University of Minnesota football recruiting class has more quality, less quantity.

University of Minnesota football recruiting class has more quality, less quantity.
Despite the Gophers' six-win improvement, bowl game and new stadium, Tim Brewster's recruiting pitch didn't work as well this year as last year.

Barring last-minute surprises, the University of Minnesota football coach will introduce a top-50 recruiting class on signing day today, which isn't bad, but it isn't the top-20 class he pulled off a year ago after a 1-11 record in his debut.

Brewster defended the quality of this class, saying its quantity dragged down the ranking. The Gophers had more scholarships available last year and signed 30 players. This year, only 18 players have orally committed, with possibly two more to come.

But recruiting experts say the rankings are about quality and quantity. Scout.com and Rivals.com gave the average Gophers recruit virtually the same ranking this year as last year, but the Gophers have fewer high-end recruits this year. Last year, Brewster signed seven four-star recruits, according to Rivals.com, compared with two this year. Scout.com listed the Gophers with six four-star recruits last year vs. one five-star (receiver Hayo Carpenter) and two four-star recruits this year.

"If you go by average player rating, then they would have the fourth-best class in the Big Ten," Scout.com recruiting analyst Bob Lichtenfels said. "There were some schools in the top 25 that had lower averages

than Minnesota." Rivals.com ranks Minnesota No. 46 nationally and No. 7 in the Big Ten. Scout.com ranks the Gophers No. 45 and No. 6, respectively.

"This is a good follow-up class to last year, but not as good," said CBS College Sports recruiting analyst Tom Lemming, who ranks the Gophers in the top 40 this year. "Sometimes to have a great year, you need to have a year of great local talent. You also have to look at other things. Like, what happened with Minnesota's coordinators leaving, it's going to hurt a bit."

Actually, a number of factors worked against the Gophers.


Brewster made in-state recruiting the top priority when he took over in 2007.

He landed five of Minnesota's top six players this year but missed out on the top senior for the second straight year. He lost Breck wide receiver Bryce McNeal to Clemson after losing Cretin-Derham Hall receiver Michael Floyd to Notre Dame last year.

Unfortunately for Brewster, this was a down year for local talent, with Rivals.com ranking McNeal as the state's only four-star recruit. Scout.com was more generous, recently adding four stars to Washburn tight end Ra'Shede Hageman and Eastview defensive end Matt Garin, both of whom have committed to the Gophers.

"Hageman might be the most talented kid they're bringing in," Scout.com recruiting analyst Allen Trieu said. "(Garin) went out to an all-star game in Hawaii and did really well. That's why we moved him up. We liked him from the start, but he proved himself against pretty good competition there."

Next year's in-state class is expected to be better, led by Rivals.com's No. 1-rated junior in the country, Cretin-Derham Hall offensive lineman Seantrel Henderson.

"We can win a championship with the core of our football team being from the state of Minnesota," Brewster said. "We had all the top juniors on campus (Saturday). We sat and we talked about making dreams come true in the state with Minnesota kids. I think it resonated very well."


After a one-win season, with so many positions vacant, recruits last year knew playing time could come quickly. Five losses to end the 2008 season showed the Gophers still can use a talent upgrade, but they were one of the youngest teams in the Big Ten Conference and lost a total of only four starters on offense and defense.

The 7-1 start helped attract some high-profile out-of-state recruits for visits, including the top defensive tackle in the nation, Sheldon Richardson of St. Louis; four-star cornerback Michael Carter of Florida; and four-star tailback Ronnie Wingo Jr. of St. Louis. But none picked the Gophers.

Two four-star running backs, Texas natives Eric Stephens and Hasan Lipscomb, originally committed to Minnesota, but only Lipscomb is coming. Stephens opted for Texas Tech, saying he committed too quickly to Minnesota after being impressed by the Gophers.

"They blew me away," Stephens told RedRaiderSports.com about the Gophers. "The coaching staff was great."

Lipscomb knew there would be competition next season, with three tailbacks returning who started games last season but wasn't put off.

"It's part of the recruiting process when a coach tells you you're going to play," Lipscomb said. "I know they have guys coming back, but I feel like I can make an impact instantly if I just work hard and compete."


A new NCAA rule, adopted in January 2008, prohibits head coaches from visiting high schools during the spring evaluation period. Brewster, a master recruiter, stewed about being stuck in his office from April 15 to May 31.

"I just think that the rule serves the guys who don't want to get out and work," Brewster said. "That's unfortunate. Some people are at places where, as head coaches, they don't have to get out and sell their universities as much as I do."

Coaches could no longer visit with recruits' coaches, teachers and counselors during that time, preventing them from "accidentally" bumping into recruits.

"The excuse for not allowing us to go out is the so-called 'bump rule,' " Brewster said. "That's where coaches are bumping into players in a so-called non-contact period. I think that's overplayed. That's a poor excuse to keep us off the road."

Lemming said the spring was a key period for Brewster in landing the 2008 class.

"More than anyone else, it hurt Minnesota," Lemming said of the new rule. "Tim got a huge advantage by going out and visiting schools. He was the face of the program. Tim was everywhere in May. I saw him all over. It's a crazy business because once an aggressive coach gets an edge, the lazy coaches try to cut it out."


Gophers offensive coordinator Mike Dunbar and defensive coordinator Ted Roof both resigned on Jan. 6.

Within days, former Nebraska defensive coordinator Kevin Cosgrove replaced Roof, although defensive backs coach Ronnie Lee will share the title. It took until Jan. 21 to land former Denver Broncos assistant Jedd Fisch to replace Dunbar.

"(Cosgrove) come in and hit the ground running," Brewster said. "I don't think we missed a beat at all there. (Fisch) has had more of a limited amount of time to help us in recruiting, but he's already got a bunch of kids excited about the opportunity to play in his offense."


A year ago, the Gophers were willing to take a chance on at-risk players academically.

They signed two four-star players, defensive lineman Tim McGee and wide receiver Vince Hill, who in the end were not admitted to Minnesota. A third, quarterback MarQueis Gray, sat out the year because of issues with his ACT result but received a qualifying score during the season and has rejoined the program.

This year, the Gophers appear to be taking fewer chances. Four-star cornerback Taikwon Paige of Georgia Military Academy had committed to Minnesota but was dropped because of academic issues.

"We got some kids that obviously had some academic work to do from the signing day on last year," Brewster said.
Michael Floyd, NCAA Football, NCAA Sports, Notre Dame Fighting Irish NCAA Football, University of Notre Dame NCAA

"Swagga Like Us" (Grammys - Video) ft. M.I.A., Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil Wayne"Swagga Like Us" (Grammys - Video) ft. M.I.A., Jay-Z, Kanye, Lil Wayne

Ending a few weeks of speculation, M.I.A., who is nine months pregnant, showed up at the Grammys to join T.I., Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, and Kanye for their super collaboration "Swagga Like Us," which samples M.I.A's ever-present "Paper Planes." For their part, the four MCs do something of a rapping rat pack, with all four in suits (and various states of undress), while M.I.A. rocks an interesting ladybug-esque dress. Overall the performance is kind of a mess--as can be expected when egos this huge collide onstage--since all of them kind of shout, but you can't call it unentertaining.
Grammys, Kanye, Swagga

www.aima ind.org published Mat Feb 2009 Results

www.aima ind.org Management Aptitude Test (MAT)
All India Management Association
MAT (Management Aptitude Test) Results of February 2009 from www.aima-ind.org website.
MAT results for February 2009 are declard by All India Management Association. The Management Aptitude Test conducted in February 2009.
Access the following site on AIMA official website and get your February 2009 Results, you can also get the results for the previous MAT Exam results.
MAT Results from Dec 2007 to Feb 2009
CME-December-2008 Examination Result
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Labels: mat feb 2009 results, www.aima ind.org
matresult, www.aima_ind.org, mat result feb 2009, mat results, mat result

www.sify.com INDIAN IDOL 4: Public is best judge: Kapil Thapa

www.sify.com New Delhi, Feb 20: From being part of the army orchestra to the coveted stage of the popular talenthunt show, “Indian Idol,” Kapil Thapa has come a long way, and he is not shy of crediting his fans for the success.

The aspiring Indian Idol, who hails from Dehradun, is of the opinion that the public is the best judge for any artiste as they are the ones who ultimately buy their works.

“The public is the best judge, the judges at the show do a great job of mentoring the contestants but it should be the viewers and their votes that should decide the winner so that the public gets the singer it likes the most. At the end of the day they are the ones who buy the records,” says Thapa who was recently in the capital.

Thapa who spent five years in the army before being selected for the fourth edition of the popular TV talent hunt says that he has no plans to quit the army for a singing career.

“Army is my first love, that is where I first realised my potential as a singer, when I started singing for the army orchestra. I want to take both things together without being forced to quit either,” says Thapa whose father and brothers are also a part of the army.

“I met some jawans at India Gate, and they told me that they are proud of my achievements and vote for me. I received great support when I was in Dehradun recently. Wherever I go, people recognise me and that is the best part of being in the show,” says the finalist who is fondly called ‘Fauji Bhai’ by his fellow contestants.

Unlike, the last three years when none of the female contestants could make it to the finals, it is Torsha Sircar
and Saurabhee Debbarma who will give Thapa competition for the
coveted title, this year.

With a new judge on the panel, actress Sonali Bendre being vocal about her desire to have a girl win the contest this time, Thapa says he does not feel intimidated by his two fellow contestants.
“All three of us are talented singers and that is why we have reached the finals. I don’t think a judge’s opinion can influence who the winner is, as it is the public’s vote
that matters. At the end it is not about gender but talent,”
says Thapa.

Thapa credits the show for making a confident person out of his former shy self, adding that he could never have got to meet his favourite actors like Abhishek Bachchan if not for the show.

But when asked about his favourite celebrity judge,Thapa does not have to think twice before answering, it is none other than Bollywood’s rising star Deepika Padukone.
ieport.com, www.rediff.com, www.rediffmailpro.com, rediffmailpro.com, way2sms.com


AVİVASA KARİYER FIRSATI Sabancı Holding ve dünyanın 5'inci büyük sigorta şirketi olan Aviva Plc.'nin desteğine sahip bir şekilde çalışmalarını sürdüren bireysel emeklilik ve hayat sigortası sektörünün önde gelen kuruluşlarından AVİVASA yeni takım arkadaşları aradığını duyurdu.
Hedef ve stratijeleri doğrultusunda nitelikli personel alımı politikası ile kaliteyi amaçlayan şirket, çalışanlarının memnuniyeti ve eğitimine de ayrıca önem vermektedir.

Müşteri Danışmanı (Müşteri Memnuniyet Merkezi)

Müşteri Destek Merkezi Birimi'nde görev alarak; gelen çağrıları yanıtlamak, müşterilerimizi bilgilendirmek ve işlem taleplerini yerine getirmek.
Genel Nitelikler: İstanbul'da ikamet eden veya edebilecek, bilgisayar kullanabilen, iyi derecede teknik bilgiye sahip, vardiyalı olarak çalışabilecek, müşteri odaklı, insan ilişkilerinde başarılı, sabırlı, pozitif tutum sahibi, çözüm odaklı, stres altında etkin çalışabilen, erkek adaylar için askerlik görevini tamamlamış.

Müşteri Danışmanlığı başvurularınız için lütfen tıklayınız.

Finansal Danışman

4 yıllık üniversite veya Bireysel Emeklilik Aracısı olmak için uygun olan 2 yıllık bölümlerden mezun olan, satış alanında kariyer sahibi olmak isteyen, askerlik görevini tamamlamış veya en az 1 yıl tecilli (Erkek adaylar için), sosyal ilişkilerde başarılı ve ikna gücü kuvvetli, dinamik ve güleryüzlü bir iş ortamında çalışmak isteyen, seyahat engeli olmayan, MS Office uygulamalarını kullanabilen.

Finansal Danışmanlık başvurularınız için lütfen tıklayınız.

Diğer bölümlerde boşalacak yada ihtiyaç duyulan personel alımları için de AVİVASA'ya Genel Başvuru yapabilirsiniz. Genel başvuru için lütfen buraya tıklayınız.


MEDİA MARKT İŞ FIRSATI Almanya'da kurulan ve köklü geçmişi ile tüketicilere güven veren Media Markt açık iş pozisyonları ile yeni bir işe sahip olabilirsiniz.
Avrupa'nın tüketici elektroniği konusunda 1 numaralı perakendecisi olan Media Markt önlisans-lisans mezunlarının yanısıra lise ve dengi okul mezunlarına da iş fırsatı sunuyor.

Hali hazırda 20'ye yakın iş pozisyonunda eleman arayan Media Markt sayfalarında aşağıdaki ilanların ilginizi çekeceğiniz umuyoruz.


28.01.2009 IT SPECIALIST-System Administration İstanbul
28.01.2009 IT HELP DESK SPECIALIST İstanbul
20.01.2009 ASSISTANT TO CFO Eskişehir


AÇIK İŞ POZİSYONLARI 1994 yılından itibaren finans sektöründe faaliyet gösteren şirketlerden biri olan EKO FİNANS FACTORING A.Ş bünyesinde bulunan açık iş pozisyonlarına başvuru yapabilirsiniz.

Halen ülke genelindeki 13 temsilciliği ile faaliyetlerini sürdüren Eko Finans "Çağdaş Bir Finansman Hizmeti" parolası ile yoluna devam etmektedir.

Eko Finans'ın İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, Samsun, Eskişehir, Bursa, Adana, Denizli, Antalya, Konya ve Gaziantep illerindeki temsilciklerinde görev almak ve kariyerinizde yeni bir sayfa açmak istiyorsanız lütfen tıklayınız.


BSK SAGLIK IS BASVURUSU Adana, Aydın, Denizli, Eskişehir, Kütahya ve Konya illerinde üstün teknolojisi ve çalışma anlayışı ile hizmet veren BSK Sağlık Kurumları açık iş pozisyonları ile başvuruları bekliyor.
BSK halen aşağıda belirtilen bölümlerde personel alımına devam etmektedir. Lütfen inceleyiniz;


Genel Nitelikler;

•Üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinden mezun,
•Organizasyon yönetimi, işe alma, ücretlendirme, performans değerlendirme, eğitim, motivasyon ve özlük işlemleri gibi tüm insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarını yürütme konusunda en az 5 yıl deneyimli,
•Tercihen sağlık sektöründe tecrübe kazanmış,
•İş hukukuna ve mevzuata hakim,
•MS Office programlarında yetkin,
•Analitik düşünebilen, problem çözme becerisi yüksek,
•Takım çalışmasına yatkın.

İş Tanımı:

Tüm insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarının politika, prosedür ve yönetmeliklerine uygun olarak yürütülmesini sağlamak, hastane yönetimine ve BSK İK Direktörlüğü’ne çalışanlarla ve insan kaynakları sistemleri ile ilgili tüm bilgi ve raporları sunmak.


Genel Nitelikler;

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların Hemşirelik / ATT bölümlerinden mezun
•En az iki yıl Acil servis deneyimine sahip
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın
•Güleryüzlü, gelişime açık ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen
•Liderlik özelliklerine sahip
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı:

Acil servis Sorumlu Hemşiresi olarak görev yapacak çalışma arkadaşı arıyoruz


Genel Nitelikler;

•Üniversitelerin Sağlık Yönetimi, Sağlık Kurumları İşletmeciliği vb. lisans düzeyi bölümlerinden mezun,
•Hastanelerde benzer görevlerde min. 5 yıl deneyimli,
•Hasta hizmetleri, medikal muhasebe konularında deneyim sahibi
•Poliklinik ve yatış işlemleri konusunda deneyimli,
•Yasal mevzuat ve uygulamalara hakim,
•Microsoft Office uygulamalarına hakim ve Hastane Otomasyon Programı deneyimi olan,
•Takım yönetiminde başarılı, koçluk becerilerine sahip,
•Erkek adaylar için askerliğini tamamlamış,
•Seyahat engeli olmayan.

İş Tanımı:

Hasta hizmetleri bölümünün yönetimini sağlayacak, SGK ve maliye sözleşmelerini yapacak, sözleşmeler, hasta hizmetleri konularında ekibinin eğitimlerini verecek, yasal mevzuat takibini güncel olarak yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler;

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların Hemşirelik / Ebelik bölümlerinden mezu
•En az iki yıl kadın doğum veya doğumhane deneyimine sahip
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın
•Güleryüzlü, gelişime açık ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen
•Liderlik özelliklerine sahip
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı:Kadın Doğum Sorumlusu Olarak görev yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler:

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların hemşirelik bölümlerinden mezun
•Benzer pozisyonda en az 2 yıl deneyimli
•Hasta bakımı, tedavi ve izleminde hemşirelik felsefesine uygun davranan
•Hasta bakım kalitesini ve bakım sonuçlarını geliştirme yeteneğine sahip
•İletişim yeteneği güçlü, gelişime açık
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın
•Güler yüzlü ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı: Servis Sorumlu Hemşiresi olarak görev yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler;

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların hemşirelik bölümlerinden mezun
•Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım tecrübesi en az 3 yıl deneyimli
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın
•Güler yüzlü, gelişime açık ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı: Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Sorumlu Hemşiresi olarak görev yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler;

• Lisans düzeyi mezunu
• Deneyimli, (Tam teşekküllü hastanelerde en az 3 yıl başhemşire olarak görev yapmış)
• Liderlik vasıflarına sahip
• Ekip çalışmasının önemine inanan
• İletişimi kuvvetli
• Tam zamanlı çalışabilecek

İş Tanımı: Hemşirelik hizmetlerini hastane misyon ve değerleri doğrultusunda organize edilmesi ve yönetilmesi,
hasta bakımının kalitesini, bakım sonuçlarını değerlendirerek hedeflere uygun karar verilmesi.


Genel Nitelikler

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların hemşirelik bölümlerinden mezun,
• Benzer pozisyonda en az 2 yıl deneyimli,
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın,
•Güler yüzlü, gelişime açık ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen,
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı: Genel Yoğun Bakım Sorumlu Hemşiresi olarak görev yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler;

•Ön Lisans/Lisans Düzeyi eğitim veren okulların hemşirelik bölümlerinden mezun,
•Benzer pozisyonda en az 2 yıl deneyimli,
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın,
•Güler yüzlü, gelişime açık ve hasta odaklı çalışmayı ilke edinen,
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı: Koroner Yoğun Bakım Sorumlu Hemşiresi olarak görev yapacak.


Genel Nitelikler;

•Üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinden mezun,
•Bordro ve tahakkuk süreci, İş Kanunu Uygulamaları, Seçme Yerleştirme, Performans Değerlendirme, Eğitim gibi tüm insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarını yürütme konusunda en az 5 yıl deneyimli,
•Tercihen sağlık sektöründe tecrübe kazanmış,
•İş hukukuna ve mevzuata hakim,
•MS Office programlarında yetkin,
•Analitik düşünebilen, problem çözme becerisi yüksek,
•Takım çalışmasına yatkın,
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı:

•Tüm insan kaynakları fonksiyonlarının politika, prosedür ve yönetmeliklerine uygun olarak yürütülmesi,

•Hastane yönetimine ve BSK İK Direktörlüğü’ne çalışanlarla ve insan kaynakları sistemleri ile ilgili tüm bilgi ve raporları sunma.


Genel Nitelikler|

•Üniversitelerin Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümlerinden mezun,
•Alanında deneyimli,
•Tıbbi ve idari personel İle takım çalışması yapabilecek,
•İkna kabiliyeti yüksek,
•İnsan ilişkileri kuvvetli,
•Erkek adayla için askerlik hizmetini tamamlamış,
•Aydın’da ikamet eden veya edebilecek,

İş Tanımı:

•Hastanın beslenme planının uygulanmasına yardımcı olma, hastanın beslenme bilgileri doğrultusunda diyet ve diğer ilgili bölümlerle bağlantı sağlama,
•Hasta ve ailelerine eğitim ve bilgi verilmesine, uygun beslenme ve diyet seçimine ya da bakım verenlerin eğitimine yardımcı olma.


Genel Nitelikler

•Tercihen Hemşirelik yüksek okulu mezunu,
•Enfeksiyon kontrolü, eğitim alanlarında en az 1 yıl deneyimi olan,
•Eğitimcilik niteliklerine sahip,
•Ms Office programlarına hakim,
•İletişim yeteneği güçlü, araştırma ve gelişime açık,
•Ekip çalışmasına yatkın,
* Lojman imkanımız mevcuttur.

İş Tanımı:

•Hemşirelik hizmetlerine bağlı çalışan tüm kadroların; eğitim ihtiyaçlarının saptanması, eğitimlerin planlanarak düzenlenmesi ve takip edilmesi,

•Hastanenin enfeksiyon kontrol sürveyanslarının yapılması, sonuçlarının paylaşılması ve tüm ekibe bu konuda rehberlik edilmesi.


Genel Nitelikler

•Üniversitelerin İktisat / İşletme / Maliye / Muhasebe bölümlerinden mezun,
•Genel Muhasebede en az 5 yıl deneyimli,
•Tekdüzen Hesap Planına vakıf ,
•Muhasebe Programlarını ( Tercihen LOGO ve ETA) ve Excel’i çok iyi kullanabilen,
•Tercihen SMMM Belgesi sahibi,
•Askerlik görevini tamamlamış,

İş Tanımı:

•Beyanname ve bildirgeleri düzenleme, cari hesap takibi yapma, muhasebe kayıtlarını oluşturma sorumluluklarını yerine getirme ve tüm muhasebesel faaliyetlere destek verme.



Feza Gazetecilik A.Ş.; Zaman Gazetesi, Aksiyon Dergisi, Cihan Haber Ajansı vb. kuruluşlarda görevlendirmek üzere personel alımı yapıyor.

Hazi hazırda açık iş pozisyonlarında yaptığımız incelemede Güvenlik Elemanı, Teknik Servis Elemanı, Proje ve Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı, Web Ofset Usta/Usta Yard. gibi branşlar dikkatimizi çeksede Genel Başvuru seçenekleri de mevcut.

Başvurunuzu buradaki linki tıklayarak açılan sayfada üyelik oluşturmak suretiyle gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.


Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı valiliklere yayımladığı genelge ile bağlı okul ve kurumlarda yaşanabilecek olumsuzlukların önüne geçilmesi için güvenlik görevlisi istihdam edilmesinin planlandığını duyurdu ve görüş bildirilmesini talep etti.

Bakanlığın tasarladığı bu plana göre 40 bin güvenlik görevlisine ihtiyaç duyulduğu bildirildi. Planın hayata geçirilmesi durumunda, biri gececi biri gündüzcü olmak üzere her okula en az 2 güvenlik görevlisi alımı yapılacak. Özel Güvenlik Sektöründe büyük bir isdihdam yaratacak proje ile yaklaşık 40-50 bin kişiye iş imkanı sağlanmış olacak.

Haberin netleşmesi durumunda konu ile ilgili gelişme ve duyuruları sitemizden takip edebilirsiniz.
Bu haberle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgi ve detaylar için lütfen tıklayınız.


1991 yılından itibaren enerji ve tarım sektöründe faaliyet gösteren Gemta Limited Şirketi 300 kişilik uzman kadrosuyla birbirinden önemli projelere imza atmaya devam ediyor.

2002 yılından itibaren Kırıkkale ve Diyarbakır illerinde tarım işletmeleri kurarak et ve süt ürünleri sektöründe de üretim yapmaya başlayan Gemta, aşağıdaki branşlarda personel alımı yapacağını duyurdu.

Personel Alımı Yapılacak Branşlar;

Teknisyen, Finans Elemanı, Muhasebe Elemanı, Elektrik Mühendisi, İnsan Kaynakları Sorumlusu, Kalite Yönetimi Sorumlusu, Mesul Teknisyen, Muhasebe Müdürü, Ofis Asistanı, Veteriner ve Ziraat Mühendisi.


ANADOLUBANK web sayfasında iş başvurularını kabul ediyor. Halen 1712 çalışanı ve 77 şubesiyle hizmet veren Anadolubank A.Ş. Portföy Yöneticiliği ve Perakende Satış/Pazarlama branşlarında personel alımı yapacağını duyurdu.

Bankanın Genel İş Başvuru Sayfasından da diğer branşlar için başvuru yapabilmeniz mümkün.


Şube sayısı: 77
Personel sayısı: 1.712
Kadın çalışan oranı: % 51
Erkek çalışan oranı: % 49
Yaş ortalaması: 29
Lisans Mezunu: % 77
Lise Mezunu: % 23

ONLİNE BAŞVURU SAYFASINA GİTMEK İÇİN LÜTFEN TIKLAYINIZ.http://www.anadolubank.com.tr/insan_kaynaklari/?page=is_duyurulari

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