Daily Digest - Feb 19

Thursday, February 19, 2009

* Hope (Humor)
* Why Gold Rallying in all currencies
* The Burning Platform
* The White House, Homeowner Affordability and Stability "Plan"
* The Silver Lining (For China, Savings is King)
* Gold Demand Pushed $US100 Billion Barrier Investors Recognized Store of Value (Hat Tip CM)
* Supply and demand statistics Gold Supply and Demand - Q4 and Full Year 2008
* More on eastern Europe
* More...

* Zombie banks
* How Foreclosures Help Banks Conceal Losses (Hat Tip Suzie)
* "All? of us need to live within our means ---- again"?
* Depositors turned away from Stanford banks
* Chairman Bernanke At the National Press Club Luncheon, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
* For Release February 18, 2009
* US Domestic Borrowing (Chart)
* Recession Will Change Our Economic Geography (Hat Tip Christopher Peters)
* Jim Chanos
* Fox News, Ron Paul & Peter Schiff
* How the Crash Will Reshape America (Hat Tip Christopher Peters)

Hope (Humor)

Why Gold Rallying in all currencies (Picture in Article)

In the latest manifestation of the world financial crisis, gold is rallying strongly now in all major currencies. Gold detached from the usual commodity drivers gradually over the period August 07 to the present, and closely reacted to any major new developments in the credit crisis. Gold now is almost totally dominated by ongoing credit crisis developments, and the massive attempts to bailout the financial system in every country. That is why gold and the USD are rallying together.

As we know, the $trillions the US, ECB, BOE, Japan, Russia and China have thrown at either bailouts or stimulus are causing gold now to rise relentlessly in the major currencies. Obviously, at some point, gold as a central bank reserve asset would reflect what I estimate to be going on $20 trillion worth of stimulus and financial bailouts by the world central banks since August 07. The US alone has now committed over $10 trillion fighting the world financial chaos.

Ironically, the USD rallies along with gold to date. Massive flight to ‘safety' is finding its way to the USD and gold both. The Yen is also strengthening a lot too, but much of that is from Yen carry trade deleveraging, where people sell the stocks and financial assets and then buy Yen and pay off their hundreds of $billions worth of Yen they borrowed in the carry trade.

The Burning Platform

I prefer the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.

"Delay is preferable to error." - Jefferson

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Lincoln

The White House, Homeowner Affordability and Stability "Plan"

The Silver Lining (For China, Savings is King)

Gold Demand Pushed $US100 Billion Barrier Investors Turned to Recognized Store of Value (Hat Tip CM)

NEW YORK & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sustained investor interest in gold over the course of 2008 against a backdrop of the worst year on record for global stock markets and many other asset classes, helped push dollar demand for the safe haven asset to $102bn, a 29% increase on year earlier levels. According to World Gold Council's ("WGC") Gold Demand Trends, identifiable gold demand in tonnage terms rose 4% on previous year levels to 3,659 tonnes.

Japan's January chip equipment orders fell 80.1% on year, say reports (Hat Tip CM)

LONDON - Orders from around the world for semiconductor manufacturing equipment made in Japan fell to 25.51 billion yen (about $275 million) in January, down 80.1 percent from a year earlier, according to a Dow Jones report that cited the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan as its source.
The book-to-bill ratio was 0.55 for the month down from 0.70 in December the report said.

Supply and demand statistics Gold Supply and Demand - Q4 and Full Year 2008

more on eastern Europe

I would offer that ... major European nations face a very real and looming Sophie's (or should I say Nicholas and Alexandra's) choice - either help bail out their troubled EU brethren, and thereby risk burdening their own domestic economies with significant new debt; or let the other nations fail, and risk the collapse of the EU.

Now, I'm sure there are some reading this who would say there is no choice - the strong must save the weak. But I would offer that, in this environment, that may be too quick a conclusion - one need only look at what's happened to Bank of America (BAC) and Wells Fargo (WFC) in the aftermath of their bailouts of Merrill Lynch and Wachovia, respectively.

Ordinarily, size and reputation would delineate the strong from the weak. But in these turbulent times, a great many lifeguards can be, and are, drowned each year trying to save drowning swimmers. (That's why, here in the US, there will be no more large scale bank mergers.)

Zombie banks

How Foreclosures Help Banks Conceal Losses (Hat Tip Suzie)

If a long term downturn were acknowledged, a conservative bank would avoid buying foreclosed houses and prefer to take the losses up-front, letting the outside buyers pick up the home and the downside risk of further price slides. But banks are still long housing, so they keep buying houses and booking them at inflated values.

"All? of us need to live within our means ---- again"?

Depositors turned away from Stanford banks

ST. JOHN'S, Antigua - Panicky depositors were turned away from Stanford International Bank and some of its Latin American affiliates Wednesday, unable to withdraw their money after U.S. regulators accused Texas financier R. Allen Stanford of perpetrating an $8 billion fraud against his companies' investors.

Some customers arrived in Antigua by private jet and were driven up the lushly landscaped driveway of the bank's headquarters, only to be told that all assets have been frozen pending an investigation by Antiguan banking regulators.

Chairman Bernanke At the National Press Club Luncheon, National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
For Release February 18, 2009

US Domestic Borrowing (Chart)

Recession Will Change Our Economic Geography (Hat Tip Christopher Peters)

Jim Chanos

Fox News, Ron Paul & Peter Schiff

How the Crash Will Reshape America (Hat Tip Christopher Peters)

MY FATHER WAS a child of the Great Depression. Born in Newark, New Jersey, in 1921 to Italian immigrant parents, he experienced the economic crisis head-on. He took a job working in an eyeglass factory in the city's Ironbound section in 1934, at age 13, combining his wages with those of his father, mother, and six siblings to make a single-family income. When I was growing up, he spoke often of his memories of breadlines, tent cities, and government-issued clothing. At Christmas, he would tell my brother and me how his parents, unable to afford new toys, had wrapped the same toy steam shovel, year after year, and placed it for him under the tree. In my extended family, my uncles occupied a pecking order based on who had grown up in the roughest economic circumstances. My Uncle Walter, who went on to earn a master's degree in chemical engineering and eventually became a senior executive at Colgate-Palmolive, came out on top-not because of his academic or career achievements, but because he grew up


Free Online Mini-course

At the bottom of the last two posts I mentioned I'm offering a free 10-day mini-course in cooking basics. Those of you who take me at my word when I say "that's it" and stop reading might be wondering what I'm talking about. So I thought I would explain: I'm offering a free 10-day mini-course in cooking basics.
Read the rest ...

Registration doesn't officially open until the 23rd, but if you drop me an email at basic-course@cooklikeyourgrandmother.com with "Register me for the free mini-course" in the subject line, and your name in the email, I'll sign you up myself as soon as all the technical details are worked out.

This isn't going to be like most cooking classes, where all you get is a collection of recipes. No, this is packed with the kind of tips and techniques that take years to pick up along the way to learning how to cook. Things most people learn through trial and error, or by watching a more experienced cook doing it.

These lessons will improve the recipes you already have. They'll make your favorite foods better, because you'll know the "why" behind what you're doing. You might even find that new recipes aren't as intimidating as they once were.

Starting on the 23rd, you'll get one lesson in your inbox each day for 10 days. Each self-contained lesson will make it just a bit easier for you to tell yourself:
"You know what? I think I really can cook from scratch."

And that's really my goal here. I can't reach through the internet and cook for you. But I'll bet I can convince you that old-fashioned, from scratch cooking is completely within your reach.

If you're willing to believe in yourself long enough to try it, send me an email today at basic-course@cooklikeyourgrandmother.com and reserve your place on the list.


Brain-Scan Study Rewrites Economic Theory -A Galaxy Insight

“Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”
~ Epicurus (Greek philosopher, BC 341-270)

Trying to keep up with Joneses? Why is having “enough” never quite enough for those of us living in the “rat race” of urban ideals? In an interesting new study of how money motivates, brought to us by the University of Bonn, researchers discovered that humans don’t just want “more”—we want more in comparison to others. This relative sense of “more” appears to play a much larger role in motivation that previously suspected.

These findings support previous research by Andrew Oswald of England's Warwick University and David Blanchflower of Dartmouth College who found that even if our own incomes are rising, we tend to become less happy if the incomes of others are increasing more in relation to ours.

The Bonn researchers used brain scanning to show how much we as humans take others' earnings as a measure of our own success. The study found that whether or not people made big paychecks, for example, was less of a motivating factor than whether they made MORE than their coworkers. In other words, winning the arbitrary “competition” appears to be more important than the reward itself. Which may be why Donald Trump is so fond of saying that money is not a motivation for him “except as a way to keep score.”

Consumerism_2 But for the first time, we have hard evidence for this phenomenon detailed in a series of experiments conducted by economists and brain scientists at the University of Bonn. They tested male subjects in pairs, asking them to perform a simple task and promising payment for success. Using magnetic resonance tomographs, the researchers examined the volunteers' brain activity throughout the activities. Participants who got more money than their co-players showed much stronger activation in the brain's "reward center" than when both players received the same amount. Details of the study from the study were published recently in the journal "Science".

"This result clearly contradicts traditional economic theory," explains economist Professor Dr. Armin Falk. "The theory assumes that the only important factor is the absolute size of the reward. The comparison with other people's rewards shouldn't really play any role in economic motivation."

But that’s not at all what the researchers found. They found it’s not as much what we have, as what we have in relation to others that appears to matter most. This may partially explain the unprecedented and ballooning levels of consumer debt in the “westernized” parts of the world.

This interesting phenomenon is detailed in the book "Green with Envy: Why Keeping Up with the Joneses is Keeping Us in Debt" by journalist Shira Boss. The book is full of interesting case studies of people with hollow lives revolving around “looking” full—particularly in relation to others. "How we fit in and how we measure up are such an integral part of our financial well-being," she says. "We construct a fantasy world around those who have more money, and glorify their lives."

Boss' personal journey into covetousness started with her next-door neighbors, John and Tina, in her New York City co-op, who appeared to enjoy the “perfect” life. Rumor had it that they paid cash for their posh apartment. They liked to spend time “antiquing” upstate, jetting off to exotic locales on frequent vacations, and ordering a steady stream of luxury items that piled up at their door. Boss become mildly obsessed with how wonderful her neighbor’s lives appeared to be in comparison to her own seemingly less glamorous existence.

With her husband unable to find work and eventually returning to business school, Boss’ household had to rely solely on Boss’ income as a freelance writer. As Boss experienced the anxiety of hiding their financial stress from family and friends, she become intrigued by her state of envious frustration and decided to write a book focusing on the social psychology of money—the relationship between the household and the outside world. As part of her research, Boss asked her neighbors for an interview. What she found out was more than a little surprising. The grass wasn’t quite as green as it looked across the fence. Tina was unhappy with her career, and had racked up $21,000 in credit card debt without telling her husband, for instance. Their apparent “success” was mostly due to money given to them from their families, which for them was a point of embarrassment and something they tried to conceal from friends, among other eye-opening revelations.

Boss found similar stories from working-class couples to congressmen who couldn’t really afford their lives (some sleeping on cots in their congressional offices) to baby boomers who fear they will never be able to retire.

"We convince ourselves that our problems are ours alone, and we spend so much of our time hiding our angst, which causes more stress," says Boss. "What I learned is that everybody struggles with issues around money, nobody is completely happy and comfortable—and knowing that is a huge relief. We feel less alone."

While it is nice to “feel less alone”—to know that everyone else on the planet is crazy too—wouldn’t it feel nicer to avoid fruitless comparisons in the first place? The paradox of living our lives in relation others, is that there will always be someone who has some form of “more”. We may “score” a fleeting feeling of pleasure when we compare favorably, but it’s quickly deflated when we inevitably compare unfavorably in another measure. Frittering away our lives in this futile effort to have (or at least appear to have) more than others, may well be one of the greatest indications of human irrationality ever known. At the very least, it is a pastime that robs one of the joy of living in the present, full of gratitude for the abundance we have in relation to no one.

Posted by Rebecca Sato

Related Galaxy posts:

The Consumer Paradox: Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem and Materialism Goes Hand in Hand

The Big Brain & the Pursuit of Happiness

Related Links:


Social Comparison Affects Reward-Related Brain Activity in the Human Ventral Striatum. K. Fliessbach, B. Weber, P. Trautner, T. Dohmen, U. Sunde, C. E. Elger, A. Falk. Science, 23.11.2007


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Samsung EC-S860ZBBA model S860 Digital Camera, CCD Optical Sensor Type, 1/2.5" Optical Sensor Size, Electronic Image Stabilizer, 8.3 Megapixel Sensor Resolution, 8.1 Megapixel Effective Video Resolution, Built-in Display Form Factor, 230,000 Pixel Display Format, 2.4 Inch Display Diagonal Size, F/2.8-5.1 Lens Aperture, Automatic Focus Adjustment, JPEG Still Image Format, AVI; MJPEG Digital Video Format, Multi-segment, Spot Exposure Metering, Sunset, Back light, Dawn/dusk, Landscape, Portrait mode, Children, Text, Close-up, Snow, Night scene, Fireworks Shooting Programs.

General Information


Manufacturer Part Number
Product Line Digital Cameras
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Marketing Information

Take pictures of family and friends in a snap. The SAMSUNG S860 includes face detection technology which adjusts focus and exposure to guarantee better composition and image quality. You can also take the guesswork out of taking a self portrait. Self portrait mode is a unique feature that detects the user's face, adjusts focus and exposure, and will only allow a photo to be taken if the subject is centered in the frame. The SAMSUNG S860 makes taking beautiful photos, effortless.


* CCD Optical Sensor Type
* 1/2.5" Optical Sensor Size
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* 8.3 Megapixel Sensor Resolution
* 8.1 Megapixel Effective Video Resolution
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* 230,000 Pixel Display Format
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Optical Devices
Optical Sensor Type CCD
Optical Sensor Size 1/2.5"
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Effective Video Resolution 8.1 Megapixel
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Shooting Programs Sunset, Back light, Dawn/dusk, Landscape, Portrait mode, Children, Text, Close-up, Snow, Night scene, Fireworks
Exposure Metering Multi-segment, Spot
Exposure Compensation +/-2 EV range, in 1/3 EV steps
White Balance
White Balance Presets Tungsten light, Fluorescent, Cloudy, Daylight
Supported Flash Memory SD; MMC
Flash Memory Capacity 11 MB
Width 3.7 Inch
Depth 1.04 Inch
Height 2.4 Inch
Enclosure Color Black
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Apple tells Copyright Office Jailbreaking iPhone is Illegal; Mozilla & Skype Support EFF's Request for an Exemption to the DMCA

For the 2009 rulemaking, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed an exemption request with the U.S. Copyright Office to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) related to iPhone jailbreaking which allows iPhone owners to install iPhone apps that have not been approved on the App Store (due to various reasons).

Things have just got more interesting as Mozilla, Skype and Cydia have added their support behind EFF's push to get the U.S. Copyright Office to grant DMCA exception so users can jailbreak their iPhone without fear of copyright infringement penalties.

Apple had recently told the U.S. Copyright Office that it believes jailbreaking an iPhone is a violation of the DMCA and infringes on its copyright. Apple also informed the Copyright Office that the exception request by Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was not acceptable as the very act of jailbreaking the iPhone results in copyright infringement.

As per Apple the current method of jailbreaking the iPhone uses unauthorized modifications to the copyrighted bootloader and OS, resulting in the infringement of the copyrights in those programs.

EFF's argument is that jailbreaking iPhone is protected under fair-use doctrines, and that the Copyright Office should grant an exemption because "the culture of tinkering (or hacking, if you prefer) is an important part of our innovation economy."

However, Apple disagreed and pointed out that few users of jailbroken iPhones actually used tools (such as PwnageTool and QuickPwn) and did not jailbreak it themselves.

But things just got a lot more interesting as companies such as Mozilla and Skype have just given their support to EEF's exception request.

CEO of Mozilla, John Lilly said in an interview with Computerworld:
"This is not us criticizing Apple,"

"But it's the principle of the thing. Choice is good for users, and choice shouldn't be criminalized. The Internet is too important for all of us for that."

Mozilla's general counsel, Harvey Anderson, wrote in the comments submitted to the Copyright Office:
"Given the choice, would we work on a platform where the sole company controlling it makes us unwelcome, or would we work on a platform, like Linux, where we are welcome? The answer is going to be easy for us,"

Anderson also pointed out that:
"These devices contain Internet Web browser, and are therefore effectively users' doorway to the Internet -- a public commons. Consumers should be entitled to use any software program they choose to access the Internet."

The last statement seems to clearly highlights Mozilla's interest in getting a DMCA exemption so that they can release their mobile browser for the jailbroken iPhone. It indicates that Mozilla might be taking the unofficial approach as they feel that their iPhone app will not get approved by Apple as it would be a direct competition to iPhone's Safari browser.

It is also interesting to see Skype adding their voice behind EFF's exemption request. It indicates that they are also planning to launch their iPhone app only for the jailbroken iPhone (and not on the App Store as it was speculated) so that users can make cheap VoIP calls using their iPhone over Wi-Fi as well as their data connection. iPhone's SDK currently restricts VoIP calls only over Wi-Fi network.

Cydia was the other software developer who joined Mozilla and Skype in supporting the EFF's petition. Cydia app is equivalent to the App Store in the iPhone hacking world as it lets users install iPhone applications from any source, rather than just the App Store. In his remarks submitted to the U.S. Copyright Office, Jay Freeman of Saurik, Cydia's developer, said:
"Cydia is now installed on 1.6 million devices worldwide, at least a quarter of which are within the United States."

We will keep you posted on this developing story. Thanks David for the tip!

What do you think about jailbreaking? Do you think Apple is right in making it illegal? Should the Copyright Office accept EFF's request for an exception to the DMCA? It will be great to get your feedback in the comments below.

Apple, Copyright Office, Cydia, EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, iPhone, Jailbreak iPhone, Mozilla, Skype


Software Engineering and Project Management - 11


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question A storefront should have the following attributes:
Correct Answer The site should be able to generate and print the order summary/receipt. , Should be able to send e-mails to customers , Customers should be able to find the product quickly
Your Answer Customers should be able to find the product quickly , The site should be able to generate and print the order summary/receipt. , Should be able to send e-mails to customers

Select The Blank
Question ________ is a software that locates web pages based on matching keywords.
Correct Answer Search engine
Your Answer Search engine

Question In Millicent system consumer has to deal with dozens of brokers to satisfy his or her scrip needs for many merchants.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question KDD communications (kCOM) is the internet subsidiary of
Correct Answer Kokusai Denshin Denwa
Your Answer Kokusai Denshin Denwa

Question Prior Registration of customers can allow the site to be customised ot that user's needs and facilitates the building of marketing database e-vendor.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question The manner in which browser actually lays out the information is dependent on browser itself.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question Planning means evaluating company's position and the competition, setting the course for the future and steps to get it done.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The key elements of a brand at the advertising agency are
Correct Answer Differentiation , Relevance , Perceived Value
Your Answer Differentiation , Perceived Value , Name

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The short form of world wide web consortium is :
Correct Answer W3C
Your Answer W3C

Select The Blank
Question ________ is a bits of information stored on a user's hard disk that identifies the user the next time he/she accesses the web site.
Correct Answer Cookies
Your Answer Cookies

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The Ecommerce site features are
Correct Answer Ease of Use , Order Processing , Visibility
Your Answer Ease of Use , Order Processing , Visibility

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question E-business can spread because of
Correct Answer Word-of-mouth , An integrated supply-chain , Best shipping and after sales service
Your Answer Word-of-mouth , An integrated supply-chain , Best shipping and after sales service

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question There is no real safeguard for ensuring messages. Interent users send and receive messages are not intercepted or even altered by some unknown interloper.This threat is called
Correct Answer Packet Sniffing
Your Answer Packet Sniffing

Select The Blank
Question In relational database table can be linked up together using key fields in another table known as ________.
Correct Answer Foreign Key
Your Answer Foreign Key

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Off-the-shelf home finance software are
Correct Answer Microsoft Money , Intuit's Quicken
Your Answer Microsoft Money , Intuit's Quicken , Compuserve

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The advantages of Ecash are
Correct Answer Cheap , Useful for small payments
Your Answer Economical , Good Security , Cheap

Question To process payment card orders, a merchant must first set up a merchant account.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Question Watchers are not easily suited for online medium.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The delivery system of ecommerce purcahses has to depend on
Correct Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Urgency
Your Answer Size of Product , Nature of Product , Quantity

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question An Interent Mall provides following services
Correct Answer Ecash , Shared Advertising , Security and Credit Card Processing
Your Answer Ecash , Shared Advertising , Security and Credit Card Processing

Question A credit card contains cash.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Marketing Notice New Products Information Latest Marketing Update

Logon Page Business partner's page Business partner's page

Home Page Latest Marketing Update New Products Information

Order Page Product summaries Summary Of Orders

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The advantages of Internet over conventional manuals are
Correct Answer Readily corrected material , Search Facilities , No Mailing Costs
Your Answer Printing Costs , Search Facilities , No Mailing Costs

Select The Blank
Question ________ command allows to insert a set of rows to a table.
Correct Answer insert
Your Answer insert

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The planning process for e-business include
Correct Answer Deciding about the products and services you want to sell
Your Answer Deciding about the products and services you want to sell

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Agile wallet secure electronic server was developed by :
Correct Answer Cybercash
Your Answer Cybercash

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Secret data Existance is secret Content is secret

Public data Protected from modification Content is not secret

Copyright data Content is not secret Protected from modification

Confidential data Content is secret Existance is secret

Select The Blank
Question ________ command produces a query to the database tables according to condition specified by user.
Correct Answer Select
Your Answer Select

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Broad Targeted Marketing include following ways
Correct Answer Chat Rooms , Thematic Web Sites , Portals
Your Answer Chat Rooms , Thematic Web Sites , Portals , Email

Question All eBay auctions have a minimum bid increment.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Select The Blank
Question ________ is sending unwanted advertising to users.
Correct Answer Spamming
Your Answer Spamming

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question While delivering educational materail on internet in Eeducation, which issue is most important?
Correct Answer Model:Push/Pull
Your Answer Model:Push/Pull

Select The Blank
Question ________ is graphic display on a web page for advertising or promoting a web store or service.
Correct Answer Banner
Your Answer e-banner

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Site navigation is aided by
Correct Answer Site Index , Site Search Engine , Logical sequencing of facilities
Your Answer Site Index , Site Search Engine , Logical sequencing of facilities

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question What identification is used by the consumers to withdraw electronic cash from a bank account ?
Correct Answer Certificate issued by the certification authority
Your Answer Certificate issued by the certification authority

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Which one of the following is information selling on the web?
Correct Answer Online Publishing Site
Your Answer Online Publishing Site

Select The Blank
Question In a e-business, the goal of the ________ phase is to upgrade the web site and the b-to-c connection to meet the latest standards and customer expectations.
Correct Answer enhancement
Your Answer enhancement

Question In credit cards the transactions are always single way that is customer's charges to be credited to vendor's account
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The main security feature to prevent double spending is
Correct Answer Threat of prosecution
Your Answer Serial numbering of electronic cash

Select The Blank
Question ________ means keeping a system or a business in a up-to-date state based on the initial design or plan.
Correct Answer maintainance
Your Answer maintainance

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Select the three main advantages of smart card
Correct Answer portable , Contain encrypted information , Impossible for credit theft
Your Answer portable , Contain encrypted information , Impossible for credit theft

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question For managing customer feedback
Correct Answer Set up FAQs , Answer customer mail , Check the downloadable speed
Your Answer Set up FAQs , Answer customer mail

Select The Blank
Question The critical aspect of ________ phase is knowing the customers and finding ways to keep them long enough to make a sale.
Correct Answer marketing
Your Answer Fulfillment

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Webpage has three main components as follows
Correct Answer Presentation Structure , Style , Content
Your Answer Presentation Structure , Style , Content

Question Company Information lets the potential online shopper know the sort of outfit of the eshop.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In composite query the basic requirement is
Correct Answer Join between two tables
Your Answer Join between two tables


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Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.

BSNL JTO Recruitment 2009, BSNL Junior Telecom Officers Exam 2008
BSNL - Recruitment notifications and results on www.bsnl.co.in
Tagged: bsnl, bsnl jobs, bsnl jto, jto exam 2008, bsn jto recruitment, jto 2009

bsnl, bsnl jto, jto 2009, bsnl.co.in, bsnl jto exam 2009

hp salary cut HP will cut employee pay up to 5 percent, including Idaho employees

hp salary cut Hewlett-Packard will cut employee pay up to 5 percent, the company said Wednesday.

HP, which employs about 3,000 people in Boise, also said it would curtail contributions to its retirement plan and stop a plan that allows workers to buy company stock at a discount, The New York Times reported.

Chief executive Mark V. Hurd's base salary will be cut 20 percent, while other executives' salaries will be cut 10 to 15 percent.

hp pay cut, mark hurd, hp salary, financial times online, hp pay cuts

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chennai news Chennaionline is an information portal from chennai, India featuring news,events ,arts and business events in chennai,India.It also provide information

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isbr bangalore International School of Business & Research (ISBR)

Tel: +91-9341777780
Website: http://www.isbr.in/ [link]

ISBR is an institute with International Education Standard with its first campus set up under the aegis of Bangalore Education Trust established in the year 1990. ISBR has International Campuses in Bangalore, Chennai & Kodaikanal.

ISBR MBA Institute - www.isbr.in
ISBR offers full time and part time MBA programmes from Annamalai University / Sikkim Manipal University which are fully Approved & Recognized by UGC, AIU, Ministry of HRD, and Government of India under Directorate of Distance Education.

Visit www.isbr.in for more information about the ISBR institute, campuses, Admission procedures and latest news & events.

tags: isbr bangalore, isbr chennai
Tagged: isbr, b schools in india, management education institute

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storm warning Winter storm warning continues on Michigan side

storm warning The U.S. National Weather Service is maintaining a winter storm warning (below) for Chippewa and Mackinac Counties.

At the time of writing, no Environment Canada advisories, watches, warnings or special statements were in place for any part of SooToday.com country.

U.S. National Weather Service












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trainenquiry Opinion Poll for modified Sleeper/3AC TIER Coaches (9 berths) in Train

trainenquiry There is a opinion poll being conducted by The Indian Railways on their new Modified 9 berths Sleeper/3AC coaches.
Plz take out some time and go to the home page of The Indian Railways website (http://www.indianrail.gov.in/) & give your opinion... This might help us making our journey better in future .

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epaper times of india The Times of India E-Paper, TOI epaper - epaper.timesofindia.com

epaper times of india The Times of India E-Paper
website: http://epaper.timesofindia.com/ [link]

You can access all the city editions of the Times of India and the Economic Times, for today and the past 6 days online on Epaper.timesofindia.com. You can also access the previous editions of the Times of India through the Online Archive and Search, e-mail and print articles, ads and pictures of interest, add them to your collections for anytime viewing and explore the synergy of Interactive and Static content in the best possible form.

The Times of India E-Paper, TOI epaper - epaper.timesofindia.com

Visit epaper.timesofindia.com to subscribe to the TOI ePaper Newsletter.

tags: timesofindia epaper, toi epaper, times of india epaper, times of india newspaper, times of india e paper, epaper timesofindia, economic times epaper
Tagged: times of india epaper, toi epaper, the times of india, newspapers from india

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National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT): Various Jobs

national institute of fashion technology National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)

Official Website:


Advt. No. 01/2009 Estt.

The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) established by is looking for personnel for Technical and Administrative positions in various NIFT Centres. The openings are for the following posts to be filled on deputation, regular and contract basis:

I. Director
Pay Band: PB 4

Scale: Rs. 37400-67000 + 8700 (GP)

Posts: 7

II. Registrar
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 7600 (GP)

Posts: 5

III. Deputy Registrar
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 6600 (GP)

Posts: 1

IV. Deputy Registrar (F&A)
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 6600 (GP)

Posts: 6

V. Executive Engineer
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 6600 (GP)

Posts: 4

VI. Deputy Director
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 6600 (GP)

Posts: 1

VII. Head Resource Centre
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 5400 (GP)

Posts: 3

VIII. Assistant Professor
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 5400 (GP)

Posts: 149

IX. Accounts Officer
Pay Band: PB 3

Scale: Rs. 15600-39100 + 5400 (GP)

Posts: 7

X. Research Assistant
Pay Band: PB 2

Scale: Rs.9300-34800 + 4200 (GP)

Posts: 14

XI. Senior Assistant (Accounts)
Pay Band: PB 2

Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 + 4200 (GP)

Posts: 3

XII. Steno Grade-III
Pay Band: PB 1

Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + 2400 (GP)

Posts: 3

XIII. Machine Mechanic
Pay Band: PB 1

Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + 2400 (GP)

Posts: 20

XIV. Lab Assistant
Pay Band: PB 1

Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + 1900 (GP)

Posts: 18

XV. Junior Assistant
Pay Band: PB 1

Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + 1900 (GP)

Posts: 15


1. Number of vacancies is tentative and might be reduced or increased at the discretion of NIFT.

2. Contractual appointments will be for a period of 03 years.

How to Apply:

Applications in the prescribed proforma should be addressed to

Registrar (Establishment),

National Institute of Fashion Technology,

NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas,

Near Gulmohar Park,

New Delhi-110016

Application should be superscribed "Application for the post of _____________" on the envelope. The last date of receipt of the applications is 30 days from publication of this advertisement in newspaper.

Download More Details for NIFT Jobs:


Download Application form for Asst. Professor


Download Application Form for Deputation:


Download Application form for other Posts:


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tata institute of fundamental research TIFR offers summer programs exposing academically bright students to research in many areas of Biology, Chemistry, Computer & Systems Sciences, Mathematics and Physics (Astronomy & Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics & Material Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear & Atomic Physics and Theoretical Physics).The programme is held at TIFR, Mumbai for the subjects mentioned above and in addition, at the Institute’s National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (Pune/Ooty) for Physics.

For More Details:

Email Address: vsrp@tifr.res.in

Website: http://www.tifr.res.in/~vsrp/


Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics -Pre-final year students of:

1. M.Sc. in Applied Maths, Astronomy, Biosciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics.

2. B.E. / B.Tech with interest in Physics.

3. Medicine / Engineering.

4. Exceptionally bright B.Sc. students in Mathematics may be considred.

Computer & Systems Sciences -Pre-final year students of:

B.E. /B.Tech. /M.E. /M.Tech. /M.C.A. /M.Sc. (Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Information Technology) or equivalent degrees in other disciplines.

Key Dates:

Last date for submission of duly filled form: 01/09/09

Research programme starts on: 05/15/09

Research programme ends on: 07/10/09

Location: Colaba, Mumbai, TIFR

Organized by: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

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Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti, Festivals of India

Shivaji Maharaj Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Born on February 19, 1627

Shivaji was the creator of the Maratha nation. Chatrapati Shivaji is a hero not only for the people of Maharashtra but for those of India as well.

The Birthday of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is celebrated in Maharashtra as Shivaji Jayanti on 19th February every year on a majestic scale in Maharashtra.

Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti, Festivals of India
shivaji maharaj
Image hosted on ImageShack.us.

Leave your message on Shivaji Jayanti!!

tags: shivaji, shiv jayanti

shiv jayanti, nse holidays


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indiarace.com, indiarace, www.keralapareekshabhavan.in, tata institute of fundamental research, india race

Nirmalamma Passed Away

nirmalamma Great telugu actress Nirmalamma passed away on Thursday morning in Hyderabad. She was 89. This gifted actress got recognition as a natural artiste who immortalised hundreds of mother and grandmother characters. Nirmalamma has been an innevitable part of Telugu film for decades. Telugu Film Reviews

She began her acting career in 1950 with a Telugu film 'Garudagarvabhangam' at the age of 16. She has acted in almost a 1000 films. She got FiImfare award for the best character artiste.

Her important films include Shankarabharam, Yamagola, Padiharella Vayassu, Shubhasankalpam, Apadbandhavudu, Swathimythyam and many more.

She had been suffering from ailments related to old age. On Thursday morning she was rushed to hospital after her health deteriorated where she breathed her last.

The film industry has expressed grief over the demise of the blessed actress.

Labels: Nirmalamma

azharuddin, cinesnacks, ragalahari, priyamani bikini, priyamani in drona

www.kanpuruniversity.org CSMU uploads details of students on its website

www.kanpuruniversity.org Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University (CSMU) on Wednesday uploaded the data list of regular students of various colleges affiliated to
the Kanpur University on the varsity website. The initiative has been taken by the university authorities for the first time in order to facilitate the students.

The lists of the regular students sent by various colleges have been uploaded on the website, notifying the colleges to get the details of their students including their names, father's names, roll number and subjects checked by them and get them corrected in case of anomalies.

"In this way, the students would be saved from making rounds of the university for getting the corrections done, which they used to do otherwise," informed varsity media coordinator Piyush Saxena.

The move has been initiated in the wake of the approaching regular exams and the students appearing in the exams. "With the release of the details of the students on the university website, students will be able to easily access the data received by the university and accordingly get corrections made," said Piyush.

The students can check their details on website- www.kanpuruniversity.org. They must notify their respective colleges about the corrections to be made in their details latest by February 14. The college principals have been asked to get the data corrected by February 21.

kanpuruniversity.org, kanpuruniversity, robarnieanddawn, kanpur university, www.uppcl.org

chennai high court Mayhem in Madras High Court; lawyers lathi-charged, judges run

chennai high court It was mayhem in the over 150-year-old venerable Madras High Court this evening as Police and Lawyers fought pitched battles for over two hours, leaving at least 20 persons including a Judge badly injured. It left behind a ‘Black Thursday’ as the protests over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue took an ominous turn.

The Lawyers, after nearly a month-long protest and boycott of Courts returned to work today. But the proverbial “one-drop-of-poison-syndrome” worsened the uneasy calm in the sprawling campus, letting loose a chain of violence including setting afire a Police station inside the campus and even forcing the Judges to scamper for safety.

The ‘Hindustan Times’ correspondent visiting the Court campus found stones and broken glass pieces strewn around in the rear side, amidst scores of cars and two-wheelers of advocates mercilessly smashed to varying degrees of disfigurement.

Police lathi-charged the agitated lawyers and at one stage burst tear-gas shells, as the situation seemed to be getting out of control. A section of the cops were seen brutally chasing away many lawyers amid both exchanging filthy words in Tamil.

Today’s developments was a sequel to the February 17 assault on the Janata Party President, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, by a group of lawyers sympathetic of the Sri Lankan Tamils cause right inside a Court room when he had come to implead himself in a case challenging the State Government’s recent takeover of the ancient ‘Nataraja’ Temple in Chidambaram, about 180 km, South of Chennai. The case came up today, but passed off uneventfully this morning when Dr. Swamy again appeared in Court.

Some eye-witnesses said the trigger point for today’s unprecedented violence came after a group of lawyers led by one Mr. S. Rajnikanth, went to the ‘B-4 Police Station’ inside the Court campus to lodge a counter-complaint against Dr. Swamy, whom they alleged had abused their (lawyers) lower caste status.

According to Mr. Rajnikanth’s complaint, Dr. Swamy had been heard using objectionable language against the agitating lawyers over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue when he walked along the verandah towards the Court Hall on Feb 17. The Janata Party leader had even charged a section of the lawyers with “instigating the protests here after having taken money from the Tamil Tigers (LTTE).”

Even as these angry lawyers came out after filing their complaint- some of them were named as accused in the Feb 17 assault case on Dr. Swamy-, eye-witnesses said they were stopped by a posse of Policemen who wanted to arrest them in connection with that incident. A wordy duel then ensued between the lawyers and the Police and at that point, “something happened and all hell broke loose,” a Court source said.

With more lathi-wielding Police reinforcements arriving at the scene and cracking down on the lawyers, several persons including a couple of news photographers suffered bleeding injuries. “Suddenly, Police with lathis’ charged against one and all, even as from the other side several advocates began pelting stones,” a social worker who did not want to be named and who was close to the action-spot then, told HT.

A group of Judges including the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice S.J. Mukhopadhyaya came out in concern and sought to pacify the clashing crowd. But when the Police began charging, chasing away whomever they noticed, the Judges were seen running back into their Chambers for safety. One Judge, Mr. Arumuga Perumal Adityan, who was caught in the melee, was injured and admitted to hospital.

“The B-4 Police station (inside) has been virtually gutted and files destroyed,” cried an eyewitness. “We all came back to duty today peacefully; all this would not have happened if only Dr. Swamy had not come in,” said a lawyer on condition of anonymity.

Even Court staff was not spared as steel-helmeted police went around ensuring that nobody stayed behind in any room, kicked and thumped the room-doors in the adjacent lawyers’ chambers. As one of the last staff batches was escorted out by the Police by 6 pm, contingents of the ‘Special Action Group (SAG), ‘Rapid Action Force (RAF)’ and Tamil Nadu commando Police had taken charge, as though there was a terror threat to the High Court complex. A section of the young lawyers are “equally to blame for this tragedy,” said a court official as darkness cloaked the Court’s majestic towers.

sun news, supreme court cases, judicial branch, malai malar, sun tv

chennai high court Mayhem in Madras High Court; lawyers lathi-charged, judges run

chennai high court It was mayhem in the over 150-year-old venerable Madras High Court this evening as Police and Lawyers fought pitched battles for over two hours, leaving at least 20 persons including a Judge badly injured. It left behind a ‘Black Thursday’ as the protests over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue took an ominous turn.

The Lawyers, after nearly a month-long protest and boycott of Courts returned to work today. But the proverbial “one-drop-of-poison-syndrome” worsened the uneasy calm in the sprawling campus, letting loose a chain of violence including setting afire a Police station inside the campus and even forcing the Judges to scamper for safety.

The ‘Hindustan Times’ correspondent visiting the Court campus found stones and broken glass pieces strewn around in the rear side, amidst scores of cars and two-wheelers of advocates mercilessly smashed to varying degrees of disfigurement.

Police lathi-charged the agitated lawyers and at one stage burst tear-gas shells, as the situation seemed to be getting out of control. A section of the cops were seen brutally chasing away many lawyers amid both exchanging filthy words in Tamil.

Today’s developments was a sequel to the February 17 assault on the Janata Party President, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, by a group of lawyers sympathetic of the Sri Lankan Tamils cause right inside a Court room when he had come to implead himself in a case challenging the State Government’s recent takeover of the ancient ‘Nataraja’ Temple in Chidambaram, about 180 km, South of Chennai. The case came up today, but passed off uneventfully this morning when Dr. Swamy again appeared in Court.

Some eye-witnesses said the trigger point for today’s unprecedented violence came after a group of lawyers led by one Mr. S. Rajnikanth, went to the ‘B-4 Police Station’ inside the Court campus to lodge a counter-complaint against Dr. Swamy, whom they alleged had abused their (lawyers) lower caste status.

According to Mr. Rajnikanth’s complaint, Dr. Swamy had been heard using objectionable language against the agitating lawyers over the Sri Lankan Tamils issue when he walked along the verandah towards the Court Hall on Feb 17. The Janata Party leader had even charged a section of the lawyers with “instigating the protests here after having taken money from the Tamil Tigers (LTTE).”

Even as these angry lawyers came out after filing their complaint- some of them were named as accused in the Feb 17 assault case on Dr. Swamy-, eye-witnesses said they were stopped by a posse of Policemen who wanted to arrest them in connection with that incident. A wordy duel then ensued between the lawyers and the Police and at that point, “something happened and all hell broke loose,” a Court source said.

With more lathi-wielding Police reinforcements arriving at the scene and cracking down on the lawyers, several persons including a couple of news photographers suffered bleeding injuries. “Suddenly, Police with lathis’ charged against one and all, even as from the other side several advocates began pelting stones,” a social worker who did not want to be named and who was close to the action-spot then, told HT.

A group of Judges including the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice S.J. Mukhopadhyaya came out in concern and sought to pacify the clashing crowd. But when the Police began charging, chasing away whomever they noticed, the Judges were seen running back into their Chambers for safety. One Judge, Mr. Arumuga Perumal Adityan, who was caught in the melee, was injured and admitted to hospital.

“The B-4 Police station (inside) has been virtually gutted and files destroyed,” cried an eyewitness. “We all came back to duty today peacefully; all this would not have happened if only Dr. Swamy had not come in,” said a lawyer on condition of anonymity.

Even Court staff was not spared as steel-helmeted police went around ensuring that nobody stayed behind in any room, kicked and thumped the room-doors in the adjacent lawyers’ chambers. As one of the last staff batches was escorted out by the Police by 6 pm, contingents of the ‘Special Action Group (SAG), ‘Rapid Action Force (RAF)’ and Tamil Nadu commando Police had taken charge, as though there was a terror threat to the High Court complex. A section of the young lawyers are “equally to blame for this tragedy,” said a court official as darkness cloaked the Court’s majestic towers.

sun news, supreme court cases, judicial branch, malai malar, sun tv


www.employment.tn.gov.in employment.tn.gov.in, Seniority Cut-Off Date for TNEB Helpers

www.employment.tn.gov.in is the job portal run by the government of Tamil Nadu.
Job Seekers in the state of Tamil nadu registered at Professional & Executive Employment Office /PEEO can post their bio-data/ resume and service details. It also facilitates better career prospects through online renewal facility.

Another great advantage of this online job portal is that the Private employers/firms can also get best human resource. For more information on how to register, Job Alerts, Career Guidance, Seniority, vacancies, forms, employers, job seekers and Service Rules etc, please visit employment.tn.gov.in

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www.employment.tn.gov.in employment.tn.gov.in, Seniority Cut-Off Date for TNEB Helpers

www.employment.tn.gov.in is the job portal run by the government of Tamil Nadu.
Job Seekers in the state of Tamil nadu registered at Professional & Executive Employment Office /PEEO can post their bio-data/ resume and service details. It also facilitates better career prospects through online renewal facility.

Another great advantage of this online job portal is that the Private employers/firms can also get best human resource. For more information on how to register, Job Alerts, Career Guidance, Seniority, vacancies, forms, employers, job seekers and Service Rules etc, please visit employment.tn.gov.in

employment.tn.gov.in, jaagore.com, portal.just, onlinesbi.com, pkmela.com

www.uppcl.org is Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, Lucknow, India

www.uppcl.org it is Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, Lucknow, India
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL), Lucknow, India is responsible for planning and managing the power sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity.

For uppcl news, vacancies and results, visit UPPCL website at http://www.uppcl.org/faq.htm [link]

tags: uppcl, uppcl.org

Electricity saved is electricity produced.
Tagged: uppcl, recruitment, exams
kanpur university, kanpuruniversity, kanpuruniversity.org, www.kanpuruniversity.org

www.keralapareekshabhavan.in Kerala SSLC exam hall tickets at

www.keralapareekshabhavan.in Kerala SSLC Exam Hall Tickets 2009:

Kerala SSLC Exam Hall tickets for the SSLC exams to be held are available for download.

Kerala SSLC Exam Hall Tickets 2009

Download SSLC hall ticket:



Students have to enter their Enter Login ID and password to login to download the hall-ticket.

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priyamani in bikini Balayya Squeezed Priyamani 'There'

priyamani in bikini It is known news that natasimham Balakrishna is currently busy with the new movie that is being made under the Sravanthi movies banner and this marks the debut of Mahadev as the director while the buxom beauty Priyamani is the leading lady for the Yuvaratna.

Do you know where Balayya squeezed Priyamani? That's at Ramoji Film City. Yes, the squeeze that we are talking about happened at Ramoji film City during a song and it is heard that it was a rather sensuous song. Given the oomph that Priyamani has been generating, it is not a surprise that anyone would find it hard not to see her or get into a steamy act. It is about to lure all mass audiences, says inside sources.

Slated to be a family entertainer with full commercial values, the expectations are high on this one since Balayya has not been able to deliver a clear cut hit in the recent past. It will take nothing less than a blockbuster from him to actually keep up his tag of 'Box office bonanza' now. Let us see if Priyamani helps him in this mission.

Labels: balakrishna, priyamani

priyamani in drona, priyamani, celina jaitley, drona, priyamani bikini

bsnl recruitment BSNL JTO 2009 Recruitment Details JTO

bsnl recruitment Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers (Telecom), Junior Telecom Officers (Civil) and Junior Telecom Officers (Electrical).
BSNL will recruit about 3945 (Subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies) Junior Telecom Officers through an open competitive examination to be held on 21.06.2009 on All India basis.
Application for Junior Telecom Officers Examination-2008
Complete details with application form available on BSNL website at the following page : http://www.bsnl.co.in/company/job.htm
BSNL Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers 2009 - Important Dates
Closing Date of Receipt of Application : 06.04.2009
Examination Date : 21.06.2009
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.
BSNL JTO Recruitment 2009, BSNL Junior Telecom Officers Exam 2008
Labels: bsnl, bsnl jto, bsnl jto 2009, jto

bsnl, bsnl jobs, bsnl careers, bsnl jto recruitment 2009, bsnl recruitment 2009

uppcl Office Assistant Grade-III Results

uppcl UP Power Corporation Limited, Lucknow, UP has announced its Office Assistant Grade-III Results. these results are availabe: http://www.uppcl.org/results/result_58_55_59_f.pdf

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isbr ISBR MBA Institute - www.isbr.in

isbr Tel: +91-9341777780
Website: http://www.isbr.in/ [link]

ISBR is an institute with International Education Standard with its first campus set up under the aegis of Bangalore Education Trust established in the year 1990. ISBR has International Campuses in Bangalore, Chennai & Kodaikanal.

ISBR MBA Institute - www.isbr.in
ISBR offers full time and part time MBA programmes from Annamalai University / Sikkim Manipal University which are fully Approved & Recognized by UGC, AIU, Ministry of HRD, and Government of India under Directorate of Distance Education.

Visit www.isbr.in for more information about the ISBR institute, campuses, Admission procedures and latest news & events.

tags: isbr bangalore, isbr chennai

mat result, mat results

www.osmania.ac.in Osmania University MCA Results, MCA Jan-2009 Exam

www.osmania.ac.in Osmania University, Hyderabad
MCA Results of Jan 2009 Examinations

Students can access Osmania University MCA 2009 Results online on University website www.osmania.ac.in and Manabadi education portal Manabadi.com by entering the Hall Ticket no. at the following links:

http://www.results.manabadi.co.in/oumca19022009.htm [link]

http://www.osmania.ac.in/ou/res07/20090219.jsp [link]

tags: Osmania University MCA Results, MCA Jan-2009 Exam
www.osmania.ac.in - Osmania University news and results
Manabadi - Results and Education service portal, www.manabadi.com

www.manabadi.com, manabadi.com, mca results, osmania.ac.in, osmania university mca results

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