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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
supper solutions WEDNESDAY STAMFORD CURLEY’S DINER POETS, Offshoot of Poem Alley, group meets weekly at 7:30 p.m. at Curley’s Diner, 62 W.
Here are some question and answers of supper solutions related for your reference:
Has anyone tried the Supper Solutions or anything similar?
If so, please tell of your experience, worth the money, etc.?
Best Answer:no, but Ive heard its a good deal.
Have you used Supper Solutions? You like?
Best Answer:never tried……my aunt has used them before and my cousin said they were tasty
regarding supper solutions?
has anyone ever been to those places where you pay to prep your dinners and freeze them, i guess they provide the groceries and do the clean up. is it worth it?
Best Answer:I have never been to one, but since I have a very tiny kitchen, I am intrigued. Sometimes I think an Easy Bake Oven would be better than the one in my kitchen, so Im mostly interested in them for baking purposes. I hope someone whos been answers you, cuz I wanna know, too!