Sunday, February 15, 2009

If you have recently opened up Cydia on your iPhone you may have seen the text at the top of the main page displaying “Help the EFF Free Our Phones!”. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, or EFF as we’re calling it, were trying to make it legal to open your iPhone up to 3rd party software, unlocking and more. If you didn’t know, it is illegal to jailbreak. Now don’t flip out and panic, your not gonna get pulled over and asked to show your iPhone. Apple has finally released a statement…in which they spoke about jailbreaking the iPhone. Basically its a load of bullcrap. The EFF made a good fight but i knew that Apples lawyers wouldn’t let this happen.
Now lets talk about how they are saying its illegal to jailbreak the iPhone. Basically the only reason i think they are going through with this is because of people getting cracked apps. I know i wouldn’t be complaining seeing how Smule Inc, an iPhone developing company, has made over 3.9 million, and thats after Apples 30% cut. I understand that business is business, but common. Apple is saying that jailbreaking requires modifying the iPhones bootloader, which they see as piracy? How is that Apple when its a public release? Does Apple not know how much money they would have lost out on if the iPhone wasn’t unlocked? I get messages from TONS of people who the only way they could use an iPhone is having it unlocked. As EFF puts it

If this sounds like FUD, that’s because it is. One need only transpose Apple’s arguments to the world of automobiles to recognize their absurdity. Sure, GM might tell us that, for our own safety, all servicing should be done by an authorized GM dealer using only genuine GM parts. Toyota might say that swapping your engine could reduce the reliability of your car. And Mazda could say that those who throw a supercharger on their Miatas frequently exceed the legal speed limit.

But we’d never accept this corporate paternalism as a justification for welding every car hood shut and imposing legal liability on car buffs tinkering in their garages. After all, the culture of tinkering (or hacking, if you prefer) is an important part of our innovation economy.

Of course, many iPhone owners will be happy to choose solely from the applications that Apple is willing to approve, just like many Ford owners are happy relying exclusively on their local Ford dealer. But if you want to pop the hood, the DMCA surely shouldn’t stand in your way.

I guess millions of people have broken the law by making their iPhone/iPod Touch do more stuff that its capable of doing.

Could this cause the devteam stop producing the jailbreaks? Will Apple crack down on the people who create the jailbreaking softwares? Please feel free to rant about this in the comments. :)

Read The EFF’s statement HERE

You can read the whole document stating this below



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